Title: -UPDATED- 10-23-05- Animations: The Thread (Gallery and Tutorial links enclosed) Post by: MrWhitefolks on January 27, 2005, 01:56:30 AM
THE GALLERY IS NOW ONLINE (https://pimp-productions.com) Feel free to peruse the gallery located on the nav bar link selection thing on the left side of the main page, then go in and snag any animation you want(plus all of the new Silent Hill 3 stuff I was working on). THE MEGA TUTORIAL IS NOW ONLINE (https://pimp-productions.com/rants/animating.php) This tutorial is a complete(as of right now...it will be continually updated as my own skills increase) walkthrough for making an animation out of an AVI file. -Includes a full "how to" using Virtual Dub(with pictures) via step by step instructions- -Includes a full "how to" using Gif Movie Gear(with pictures) via step by step instructions- -Includes a lesson on optimization, with examples given and explanations- -Includes a lesson in dithering, with examples given and explanations- Contact information for questions: Email: mrwhitefolks AT harbornet.com msn: the_smoo AT hotmail.com aim: mwf8134 Title: Re: -UPDATED- 10-23-05- Animations: The Thread (Gallery and Tutorial links enclosed) Post by: OGREiceMUNKY on September 02, 2006, 08:30:47 PM
hey mrwhitefolks, its retards bro. yeah i'm looking for a way to get .avi files that i downloaded to play i've got divx, isn't working, if i got them to you on a disk could you get them into a format that would allow them to play w/ wmp? I'LL PAY YOU FOR YOUR WORK. -JOSH SAMSON/TARDS BROTHER Title: Re: -UPDATED- 10-23-05- Animations: The Thread (Gallery and Tutorial links enclosed) Post by: MrWhitefolks on September 03, 2006, 04:46:34 PM
http://www.free-codecs.com/download_soft.php?d=2189&s=95 comes with every video codec known to man, and a player that doesnt suck a bag of hot dog shit |