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Topic: E3 Roundup (Read 99 times) |
I bullshit
Posts: 187
E3 Roundup
« on: May 12, 2006, 12:25:02 PM »
Sony pissed off everyone by charging $600 for the PS3, games looking subpar as fuck, no exclusive titles anyone cared about(sans MGS4), a system locking up/freezing infront of millions at the show(which was being broadcast live on certain websites via webcams)
Nintendo shocked everyone with an insanely solid lineup of titles for the "Wii"(new name for the Nintendo Revolution). Apparently that dvd wand thing is the fucking shit, and the wait to test all of their demos was over 190 MINUTES PER GAME
MS had an average showing with huge cockteasing thanks to Fable 2 and Halo 3(not to mention almost everything on the 360 looked nicer than what Sony had for show on their PS3)
Overall? It's gonna be a crazy motherfuckin next two years if you're into console gaming even remotely(pun intended) as Sony looks to fall flat on their faces, Nintendo has huge support, and MS has the whole 'next gen' thing locked down.
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MWF's Bitch

Posts: 3
Re: E3 Roundup
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2006, 06:30:34 PM »
Yeah Sony blew it.
The Wii on the other hand, is a $200.00+ controller. You know you're basically buying a Gamecube with a fancy controller, because you sure aren't spending it on the graphics hardware. Zelda was the only good looking game graphically.
MS on the other hand did no wrong that I can tell.
I usually buy all the consoles each generation, but screw you Sony. I'll keep my 360 and get a Wii if it feels right.
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