Time to roll out another good 'ol fashioned cockslappin rant. All these crazy motherfuckin opinions about shit goin down, what I fucking hate, and why you people (you know who you are) suck the almighty cock of pimp-productions.com.
You guys know you like this shit better than amputee midget porn.
Aiight, first shit of buisness:
How to tell if someone on a forum knows what the FUCK they're talkin about.
Ok...if we're having a decent discussion about top tier use, strats, etc and your puttin up some valid fucking points about whatever, then tight. You know your shit.
[player1] Dude, I'm lovin how cable can use hella mind games in MvC2. Shit is fuckin phat.
[player2] Hells yeah, ,wave dashin up and then tossin a sweep xx psymitar xx ahvb (MrWhitefolks style) is the shit. Niggas always fall for that.
Now THAT is how you can understand if someone knows whassup. You put up a topic, and someone replies with something that WORKS and makes sense.
NOW there's always those god damn hardcore geek otaku fucks that think playing without a character(just so you know, I'm talkin fighting game shit here) that is top tier or someone that can help their team/game/etc just because they're "too good" or "everybody uses them" or "cheap" is just plain hot cock down syndrome shit. Don't know what I mean? Here; lemme toss somethin out for you.
I seriously recommend you don't use a top tier (mainly Sagat and Blanka) for the love of humanity. EVERY fucking time i go to the arcade, i fight Sagat or Blanka over and over and over again, and it's so god damn annoying. everyone has their team. it's Ryu, Sagat, and Blanka. or Kim, Sagat, and Blanka. or Gouki, Sagat, and Blanka. and everyone has their own color for Blanka -- there's the all-favorite dark blanka, there's red blanka, the blue blanka. you've fought one fight, you've fought them all
sure, try them out and see why they're top tiers, but i wouldn't recommend using it against that guy unless it's a last resort. show them your skill and choose a character nobody uses and pound them into the ground!-
Now, of course this makes NO god damn sense(and in case your new; Sagat/Blanka = ownage on CvS2). We can safely assume due to the fact that almost everybody has a XX/Blanka/Sagat team in CvS2 that they all have their own specific setups, styles, tricks, etc. NOBODY plays characters the EXACT same due to all the mindgames that go on in CvS2 AND MvC2. Everybody has their own gig, but it usually leads to the same combos/infs/etc.
Now from my OWN experience in both games, mind games are key. In MvC2 alot of it is due to speed(with Mag/Storm) for crossups and confusing opponents. But due to the slower nature of other characters(Cable/Jugg/Colossus) mind games are a matter of timing and making the other player think that YOU'RE open or to take HUGE advantages of their "holes".
Example for "finding a hole":
Most Sent players when doing a j.fk automatically fly out of instinct(and in return, unfly to save their own asses). Answer? Pushblock the j.fk and it gives Cable enuf of a window to catch the Sent player during their initial "fly" with an AHVB because their timing is offset due to the pushblock AND the timing is different from the fly/unfly due to said pushblock. Hell, more players often than not continue a string for a pressure combo even after being pushblocked on the first/second attack out of pure instinct and training. Think about that shit for awhile.
Mind game example:
You and me are bantering back 'n' forth in MvC2. I'm playing Cable(this is a 1on1 situation) and your using your best character. Now, I'm runnin, ,doin alot of j.fp xx insta grenade, etc. Jumping forward for crossups with j.fk and leading into stuff. This goes on for quite a bit as we keep trying to out think each other. Out of nowhere I dash forward(most likely a wave) and as you go to attack with a low-string to setup a combo/inf/super/whatever I jump STRAIGHT up and hit you on the way down(j.fk) as I made you do an attack when I wanted you to and played you for it by doing the "expected" with Cable(j.fp xx grenade, etc).
That is a prime example of mind games and how they can fit into a game with a slower pace(seemingly nonexistent in MvC2, but those that know me and my styel understand how it works and why it works almost all the time against good players).
Ok, so how does this shit play in turn with CvS2? Well, due to the slower nature of the game(you can't triangle dash, wave dash, etc) and the inclusion of glitches like the roll cancel; the mind game includes alot more "pokes" that everybody has their own style in using. Same goes for when to use said specials/grabs/pokes/etc. In my style(which is old school turtle) I constantly use pokes to make the opponent do their own poke back and in turn, since I block their "returning" poke, I can for the most part toss out a lvl 1 super and or a special to either A)hit them or B)push them out in range a bit. Just because someone is using "top tier" characters doesn't mean that they all play them the EXACT same. Anyone that thinks that is just no more than your average otaku scrub. Hands down.
Oh, and that whole "show them your skill and choose a character nobody uses and pound them into the ground! " crap?
Come the fuck on now. You're not in the arcade wasting 50cents just to "prove" that you don't use "top tier" teams and pulling shit chars out of your ass(think about playing against a Cable/Sent/Capcom player with Felicia/Dan/Servbot just because you WON'T use top tier). Fuck that, your in that arcade to learn with the characters you USE to win with and in turn, you learn how to win by getting your ass beat with those same chars. Why? Because you find your own holes, your own weaknesses, your opponents holes, patterns, etc AND you'll learn how to adapt with the characters your using. How you gonna do that by pulling out HEAVILY outclassed and weaker characters just so you can prove a point? Answer? You're not. Period. Your gonna sit there, get your ass beat using this retarded ass thinking process, wasting your money AND the time of your opponent(and yourself) by doing that. Go 100% or don't go at all. Pussy.
Ok, on to the news...or what ever.
Man, I'm sure as fuck glad I ain't workin that shift. LOL@MIKE! HAHAHAHA F@6Z0|2!
Gonna start hostin videos again. So if you got em, fuckin send me an email @ and we'll hook it up.
See that shit in the crew page? Yeah...forget it was even there. All those peeps are gone, nobody does anything besides me and Rhydant; and Shinkublahblahblah_Ex is an immature lil shit, so it's all back to the creator/owner and webmaster again. Unless someone out there wants to step up and help out with reviews/rants/whatever...then we'll start takin apps again.

Hey, at least the half-fro is cool lookin.
DDR vs PiU(well, more like DDR community vs Me; but whatever works):
Ok, we got a fuckin PiU machine down at the local hangout(no, not the one in Puyallup, that arcade sucks cock and I got banned from there for life for not saying "Hi." to the owner....*shrugs*) and guess what happens? All the DDR kids jump on that shit thinkin "Hey, I can do Max300 on maniac so this ain't shit" and jump straight to the fuckin Turkey March on hard mode and get owned.

He's a man's man.
-enter complaints/excuses now-
"PiU sucks"
"it's to hard"
"it's not natural"
"the music is shitty"
etc, etc ,etc
Basically what we got goin on here is a bunch of bitchin by otaku dorks that get their "fap" on to songs called "freckles". Fucking n00bs can't even freestyle, let alone LET GO OF THE GOD DAMN BAR. Hmmm, let's see here. If I play a doubles song(NO MATTER THE DIFFICULTY), do I hold the bar? FUCK no. Is it insanely difficult to appeal to their fucking "creator of akira" otaku god for some god damn rhythm? Jesus almighty these kids look like ass. Fucking terrible ass nancy boys that have raver clothes on, and just "riverdance" around the game with their hands by their thighs.
*shakes head*

Nothin says lovin' like pasty white thighs.
T.errible F.ucking P.layers
I mean, for fucks sake. Is their "community" that retarded that they encourage each other against style and only go for tech AND whore the bar? I mean it's bad enuf that they all look the god damn same(fuckin troop full of gap wearing nazis) but man that shit is fucking sad. Shit, what's worse is when the guy that wins their "DDR FREESTYLE" tourney is some schmuck that does a tech song and sits in a chair during the bridge while hitting 3 consecutive steps, AND then going back to a tech routine. Man that shit is amazing. NO Fuckin freestyle skills among all of these dorks combined.
Hell, only one with freestyle skills at all is this whiteboy that tries to be korean, and only does shitty ass needrops that are OFFBEAT as fuck and then gets "accolades" from his group of homies.But what happens when I step up to the machine and do uprock/robot/pop-lock(all on the fly, true freestyle-style)?
Bow the fuck down.
Oh, btw...can you stupid shits quit putting up that "Join our DDR forum" commie bullshit off the god damn PiU machine? You fucks don't play it, you're not good at it, and when you do play, you whore the bar. I am the only one putting any real money into that machine at all and I'll be god damned if some liberal "team seattle" wannabe cock mongers are gonna put a fuckin add on the machine I busted my ass to get put in that arcade. It wasn't just so your bammer ass site can get like 4 more hits a month.
Oh, and you fat chicks? Get the FUCK away from the machine. Go kick down some cash and get started on that "Jared" Subway diet and quit getting the pads all greasy when you play with your fucking shoes off. Frickin elephants are poppin screws out of the game 'n' shit. Same goes for you fucking "STOMP STOMP" style of players that can't hold a beat on any game without hitting it as hard as possible so the shock of your foot actually travels up your body and INTO your brain to tell you "you hit it on the right beat". I've had to call the owner like 4 times from you twat-hats stomping the bejesus out of the game when you finally get enuf balls to play it.
Christ...anyone who's quote is "They threw me out [of Japan] because I couldn't pass MAX300 as an Extra Stage." is a god damn joke.

God I hate these fuckers.
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Founded and created by Edward Veira, Austin Castillo, and Jacob Childs