11/23/05 - MrWhitefolks
You saw the video and now you want to know how to do the combos? This is what yer gonna need if you even think you're gonna pull any of that shit off consistently.
11/22/05 - MrWhitefolks
Yeah, you saw the video. You laughed at the Punky Brewster theme. Now you want to know how the hell I made that happen? Click the link and read up on this broke ass game.
10/19/05 - MrWhitefolks
This is the definitive "how to" so people who want to get working with animations the MrWhitefolks' way can get started.
10/19/05 - MrWhitefolks
Chalked full of hate. If you're an idiot fanboy, you probably show up in here. If you made a shitty game lately, you're probably in here as well.
03/27/05 - MrWhitefolks
Welcome to the first rant since our crash(and we lost the majority of all the other rants). This time it's got visual help for all you morons.
12/24/03 - Rhydant
Rhydant's review of community college.
08/23/03 - 00Retard
00Retard gives his take on the whole Religion vs Gaming angle.
08/21/03 - MrWhitefolks
A theory, a rant, the power glove and a reference to Who's the Boss?
08/15/03 - MrWhitefolks
Not all is well in the world of PiU...newcomers are fucking retarded.
08/12/03 - tB_PimpJuice
Can I have a job as a WA state social worker?
08/08/03 - MrWhitefolks
How to ruin my perfectly good day off.
07/31/03 - MrWhitefolks
Proof that 90% of the population isn't fucking needed.
07/09/03 - MrWhitefolks
UPDATED:07-19-03 Out-pimped,out-bid,out-classed
06/29/03 - MrWhitefolks
Get ready to laugh at a nerd.
06/28/03 - MrWhitefolks
Life lessons about strangers and cigarettes.
06/28/03 - [tb]FuckAss
How one asshole can ruin an entire day
11/06/02 - MrWhitefolks
A new rant... wow.
11/06/02 - Hero
Hero from TNL gets some stuff off his chest..
11/06/02 - MrWhiteFolks
DDR players, assholes, the usual.
08/13/02 - MrWhiteFolks
Mind games and lots of other ramblings.
05/24/02 - MrWhiteFolks
Finally... content.
01/08/02 - Ven
Topic says it all....
01/08/02 - BonusKun
12/15/01 - Ven
What? no Psylocke? pffft.
12/15/01 - BonusKun
Just play the game.
12/04/01 - MrWhiteFolks
More Ranting...
12/04/01 - MrWhiteFolks
Late night edition.
11/24/01 - MrWhiteFolks
Combo vids, who's new, and more
11/13/01 - MrWhiteFolks
I don't like this either.
11/10/01 - MrWhiteFolks
I don't like 'em.
11/10/01 - MrWhiteFolks
I have no idea...
11/05/01 - MrWhiteFolks
A New Begining
07/13/01 - MrWhiteFolks
Does he ever stop? No!
07/02/01 - MrWhiteFolks
Episode 1: Ghetto Mall, RiceCars, and Fake Bitches
All content, designs, graphics © 2001-2003 Pimp-Productions.com
Founded and created by Edward Veira, Austin Castillo, and Jacob Childs