
Pimp productions go to the Movies... sorta.
Yo! What happens when you take 2 of the original members of p-p.com, some movie locations, a road trip, lots of caffiene and cigarettes and mix em together? You get the MrWhitefolks and May-o-naize stupidity extravaganza!
Well, we did this whole trip in 1 day...which included driving over 6 hours to and from Astoria(Oregon),lots of smokes, seeing alot of "trees", and absolutely NO black people(scared the living shit out of us). We rolled into Astoria(and oregon in general) via a ferry at about 6am. After finding A)a gas station, and B)somewhere to eat...we headed on our way along the shoreline to the house of The Goonies. Well, once we got there...what did we find?
Still no black people.
Uh, and...
The house was sold.
Yeah, so what does that mean? That means we can't go inside and look around, that also means that the neighbor lady kept giving us shit for being around the house, and that also meant that we took free liberty to be pimptastically stupid. So you should see just about everything from A)Mayo showing off the broken doorknob, to B)myself taking a leak in the back yard. WOOHAA MUFUCKA!
Oh, and on the way back we found the school where they shot that Kindergarten Cop(I can't spell worth a damn) movie, so of course...I had to dry hump it. OOOO YEAH! HUMP DAT SHIZZNIT! Not to mention the blatant negro hating community we ran into down there, specially that fuckin bed and breakfast place. *shivers* Nothin' but snooty ass rich white people drinkin tea. Oh, and what happens when I ask to use their jon to take a crap? That british accent mufucka sends my ass out to the back where his "hired help"(i.e...mexican people) use the crapper in the basement/woodshack with 3, COUNT EM...3 pieces of toilet paper. Now, we all know that any nigga that tries to accomodate with 3 pieces of 1 ply ain't gonna get the job done so, to spite the whities...I used some of their "embroidered towels" from upstairs I found within reaching distance of the shitter as backup.
Bet that created quite the "stir" upstairs.
[Whitey #1] Oh my dear! These towelets seemed to have been dropped in the mud! This is so unacceptable!
[Whitey #2]Uh, this isn't "mud" darling...*sniff* *sniff*
[Whitey #1]*SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFF* OH! My nose has been offended with such a fowl stench! Damn those two hooligans in the "negro" clothes!
[Whitey #2]What should we do dear?
[Whitey #1]Nothing honey, they most deffinetly would come back to rob our pristiene(once again, I ain't spellin worth a damn today)abode and ruin it's historical gracefullness.
[Whitey #2]Yes, damn those little rapscallians! If they were here I'd throw my tea in their faces!
Well, either that or I could see the "hired help" getting docked from their 1 dollar a day pay to like 10cents. HAHAHAHAHA! So yeah, it was a decent trip, we fucked with some people, pissed off a crazy lady, made some asswipes out of some white peoples boarding house's "towelets", took a phat whiz in the back yard of the goonies house...AND STILL NEVER SAW ANY NEGROS TILL WE GOT BACK INTO WASHINGTON.
Man, what I woulda gave to see a black person just ONCE down there, woulda reassured me we weren't lost in some god damn pod people episode or somethin. Sheeeit.
All content, designs, graphics © 2001-2003 Pimp-Productions.com
Founded and created by Edward Veira, Austin Castillo, and Jacob Childs