Combo vids, who's new, and more
-WHASSUP MAH NIGGAS. Got lots o shit to rap about today(I think...) and hopefully some of it will open yer eyes(to what, I have no idea).-
Anybody see my Ryuji combo in the new CvS 2 vid from the BAS? Yeah, My ass has gone global(again). Ok, other than that...let's get down to buisness.
I've seen a few of the newer MvC2 vids out there, and I need something answered. Why do you niggas do infinites in your vids to get the combo higher? We all know what infs are out there, we know what they look like, hell...we all(mostly) know how to do them. What in the blue hell are you niggas doin taking a simplistic mag combo that looked good the way it was, and putting an extra 50 fuckin hits on it with some old Mike Z bs infinite from back in the day? We don't need to see that shit. But NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo...your monkey ass sticks it in there anyway, to show us that your "|337".
Secondly, where the hell are all these vids from the supposed combo masters I keep hearin about? ColGuile? Didn't that nigga say like 8 months ago that he was the king of SFEX2 and had a video ready for us? Shit...I could really stick to a few niggas I know up here if I wanted to about how badass they claim to be, but have absolutely NOTHING out...but it's a good day, so they get off without gettin dissed.
Oh, remember that whole otaku/fanboy thing I did last week? Well between the last two days and now, I have ran smack dab into the holy jesus spectrum of game system fanboys. One we'll call "denny" who works at Nintendo(most likely stocking shelves or counting GameBoys as they go by on a conveyor belt) and claims the GCN(GameCubeNintendo) (I hate that acronym! - Ed.) as the next comming of Christ. Now, I know you all have most likely seen a fan boy once in yer life, so lemme clarify some shit for you on how bad this king of douche's was....
1)He was sporting a jean jacket(stonewashed, light blue) with a tetris logo on the back.
2)He had the gaul to diss on MGS2,MaxPayne,GTA3,and anything Tekken/SF because they aren't announced yet on the GCN.
3)He talked about as fast as that old micro machine commercial nigga that had the comb over. Only diff was that every damn word that came out this foo's mouth was "dude". So I had to endure a 50 word per second "dude" fest. It's like talking to the fag that runs Gamecombos.com on icq. Every other word was "dude".
Aiight, now I head out last night with my homie May-o-Naize to the late night lan/arcade place to play some old games, get good and stupid, and have a blast. What do I fucking run into? Well, let's just call him "real.com". This nigga is like 100% microsoft dork numero #1. Talkin bout bumpmapping, sdk's, fps and how it differs between games on the Xbox and PS2/GCN, etc....
...........if your wondering, YES I had a fuckin blast shutting him down on all of his points.
Shit like "they're never gonna blah blah blah on the xbox because I tested stuff at real.com" My reply? "Did you test "blah blah blah for the xbox?" And after he said no, it was free game...because all he was trying to do was use his "real.com" job as a push to make me think he was the god of game knowledge. *shakes head*
Seriously...why do these white niggas that do like 1 good thing in their life blow it out of perportion like they're the game jesus? Real.com did. Tragic does("dude, I work on strat guides dude! I KNOW what I'm talkin about dude!"). Bahn from Tnl does( "Even though I look like Carlton Banks, XX game company gave me the pity fuck vote and let me see their new games at a press conference! BOW TO ME AND MY MASSIVE BITCH EGO!" ). Shit, just about anybody that goes to the GameGoMagazine.com(another shitty otaku fan mag that went down the pipes in under 2 months) message boards think they are the be all end all game master hardcore genius of the century. Well...guess what?
I got a job at Gamefan magazine back in the day. Did I take the job? Nope. Was I quallified? Beyond belief(strat guide associate editor in cheif was my position). Why didn't I take the job? 2 things...
1)Anthony Chau(Dangohead) lied about alot of shit to get me to take the job. He told me I was going to be set up with an apt when I got there, that it wouldn't be a problem with transportation, he wanted me to work their due to the other applicants being fags/assmonkeys, etc.
2)Truth of the matter was that NONE of that came forth(in fact, he never did any looking/setting up, and they were moving offices in 1 month to 20+miles across town...so I'd have to relocate one month after I got there), they expected me there a week in advance, and Dangohead tried to lay the guilt trip on me when I decided to stay at home due to A)all the lies, and B)my parents health was deteorating.
Now, what does he do? He goes around and bad mouths me behind MY BACK to everybody in the industry at Gamefan. To people I've known for a good 6 months+(reubus,rodriguez,van stone,mylonas), he tells them that I'm a bitch, and that it was just a slap in the face to their magazine, etc. Now, I don't know bout you...but isn't that some corny shit? I denied employment due to a fat headed Korean dork gamer lying to me and that my family needed me here and he tosses my name in the mud. Yeah, and you wonder sometimes why that mag went to shit with people like Chau working there.
Oh, if your wondering...he works over at IGN.com now, with the rest of those donkey farts that charge you money to read game info and see screenshots.
Ok, now that that's out of the way...do you see me ever throwing it around online like I'm your savior? I'm pretty damn sure I don't roll into msg boards going "I USED TO WORK AT GF! I'M |337!" I don't shove it down your throats, I don't toss it in your face to make you feel inferior to my "|337 $ki||z" like the rest of these ego drivin cockmullets do.
Cause I'm a gamer just like the rest of you niggas. I play the games cause they're fun(and I like to share what I know) and people get a blast out of my vids/whatever. There's no way in hell your gonna see me running my mouth off saying how great I am, or how great this site is, etc. That's for you guys to decide.
Hmmm...what else do I got to rap about?
*ponders for a second*
Oh yeah! Sonny Chiba is the #1 japanese pimp nigga of all time. There, that'll do it.
Yep, you heard right...I've been playin DoA3 alot lately. No I don't like how it plays. Never have liked anything past the first DoA. Why do I keep playing it? No damn idea to be honest. Maybe it's the fact that the graphics are really nice. Maybe it's that one of the music tracks sounds like somethin out of TheMatrix. Hell, maybe it's a subconscious thing with all the T+A. I don't know. All I know is that every chance I get when the store I work at is empty, I'm over there messin around with DoA3. Almost want an Xbox just for this game, but then again...with a system that fucking huge, I have nowhere to put it in my room or my office.
So I'm at the job, and up comes this asian dude with a box full of TurboDuo shit right? Well, it's so old that we as a store can't buy it, but I offer the guy 200 if it works. He tells me the jap games work, so I put it in and test it out...they don't(no biggie). So I drop the price to 150 and he walks away happy. Little does he know that I can and probably will sell the system on ebay for 150 in a bundle pack with some of the jap rpgs. That leaves like 30 games to get rid of at around 5-10 bucks a shot. Good profit margin eh?
Oh, and what did he buy with the cash I gave him? DDR 5th Mix.
Some niggas just shouldn't be playing games. Seriously.
Anyhoo, my lazy ass is getting tired of ranting about shit, so I'll leave it at this.
Legend of Riki-Oh(the story of Ricky) is the nastiest and best live action kung fu movie ever...
Sonny Chiba's Street Fighter is a close 2nd....
...and the Scary Tales figures sold over at Mezco.net are the shit. Slutty Alice in Wonderland rocks my balls.
All content, designs, graphics © 2001-2003 Pimp-Productions.com
Founded and created by Edward Veira, Austin Castillo, and Jacob Childs