Kakuto Chojin Advanced Combo Video FAQ
Kakuto Chojin Advanced Skill Combo List:
F,B,U,D = Directions(Forward,Back,Up,Down)
~ = Leads directly into. Used for sways(ex: JD Stone), Entering and or Exiting stances(ex: Reiji's Pak Sao stance)
Pause = Pause before the next move. Used in conjunction with delayed strings or just-frame type combos.
G = Guard
H = High Attack
M = Mid Attack
L = Low Attack
S = Special
SB = Speed Boost
(R) = Running
(*) = Juggles(bounces opp back up in the air)
NOTE: If a move is in "brackets", that means you do that move together, and then let go of GUARD or DIRECTION(or BOTH) before inputting the next move.
Example: (D+G+H),M
This would indicate that you press Down, Guard, AND High Attack at the same time, then you let go of Guard and Down before pressing Mid Attack Asad(Chojin):
G+F,F+M(launches), (D+G+H),M(2hits), SB, D+M(*), F,F+M,H(*), H,H,H,H(*), D+M(*), H,H,M, L,L
106.1 Points of Damage(around 80%)
The hardest part of this combo is getting the first D+M(*) into the F,F+M,H(*) to link. It's very quick, and you'll need a FUCKLOAD of practice to get it right. After that everything else will come into place.
F,F+H, SB, D+M(*), B+L,H, D+M(*), U+H, D+G+M
60.8 Points of Damage(roughly 35-40%)
This combo is INSANELY hard to get right the first time you attempt it as you need to find the perfect timing for the D+M(*). Not to actually get the bounce to connect, but to get it to connect so the opponents body falls at the right angle so that the B+L,H connects afterwards.
F,F+H, D+M, U+H, SB, D+M(*), (D+G+H),M, D+M(*), H,H,M, D+L,L
74.2 Points of Damage(50%)
The main things to work on here is the timing for the first D+M(which has to hit BEFORE the opp hits the ground after the F,F+H), which should be followed up INSTANTLY by the U+H. Also make sure that the timing should be instantaneous on the transition from the D+M(*) to the (D+G+H),M.
F,F+H, SB, F+L, H,H,M(*), Hx4(*), D+Hx3, U+M, D+G+L
90.2 Points of Damage(70%)
This combo is fairly basic as it uses normal strings and hits to flesh out the combo. The only thing of note is canceling out of the U+M animation before it ends to get the D+G+L to land.
D,F+M(launches), SB, (R)U+H, F+L(*), H,H,M, (G+L),L
74.3 Points of Damage(50%)
This combo is INSANELY difficult to land due to the timing needed to land the F+H(R) after the initial launch. For this to work you need to activate the SB IMMEDIATELY after the D,F+M launcher. The rest should be by the numbers.
(H~F(PakSao Stance),SB,THROW), Dash, F+L(*), B+H(*), D+Hx3, U+M
57.3 Points of Damage(35%)
Now this one is flat out retarded hard...but insanely usefull(due to the PakSao mixup strat). The use of this combo is that it starts off of the PakSao stance(so it can be led into by any move that leads INTO the PakSao stance) and turns into an unblockable One-Inch-Punch. The next problem you'll have is getting the timing on the dash, into the F+L(*). Be sure to gauge your timing so that you dash as SOON as the window is available to do so, or the F+L(*) will NOT connect. You also need to make sure you dash CLOSE ENOUGH when connecting the F+L(*) so that the following D+Hx3 connects as it should. The followup U+M is as per norm and should pose no difficulties whatsoever.
J.D. Stone(Chojin):
D,F+M(launches), Hx4~F~Sx8
57.6 Points of Damage(40%)
This is a very basic and easy combo to do. Good damage and very reliable overall. Transition from the Hx4 into the Sx8 by pressing forward AFTER the 4th hit of the initial string. J.D will enter his forward sway, allowing you to land the Sx8 string.
J.D. Stone(Chojin):
D,F+M(launchers), Hx2~U~SB~H(*), Hx4~D~H(*), Mx3~B~M
74.4 Points of Damage(50%)
One thing you have to learn while playing J.D Stone(regardless of being in Kakuto or Chojin movesets) is the sway, and this combo will definetly help you on your way to understanding how it works when in conjunction with combos and speed boosts. This is all about meticulous execution and speed. There's no easy way to learn this one other than practicing.
J.D. Stone(Chojin):
F,F+H, SB, D+M(*), Hx2~U~H(*), Hx2~D~H(*)~F, Mx6, (R)M
65.1 Points of Damage(45%)
This one is by the numbers for the swaying parts of the combo(you should be used to it by now). The only thing to remember is that the last transition(from Hx2~D~H(*) to the ~F, Mx6, (R)M) is just like the first combo. After the swaying jab, hold forward to sway in again(allowing you to set up and land the Mx6 attack). The (R)M is just an easy extra hit that you can add on for a bit of extra damage if you choose to do so.
F+Sx8, SB, D+M, Hx2~pause~Hx3, G+M
110.6 Points of Damage(85-90%)
This combo is downright evil. Roxy is the only character I've seen that has a guaranteed 8 hit string that does over 50% damage by ITSELF without the use of the Special Gauge. It's fairly quick on start as well(actually faster than her normal standing H attack), which just adds to it's destructive capability. The only thing to worry about is the timing between her Hx5 string(pausing after the first two hits, and then continuing it as per norm). You NEED to get the timing down on this for it to work, period.
Roxy(Chojin): G+F,M(launches), Hx5(*), SB, D+M(*), Hx2~pause~Hx3, (G+D+L),M
71.9 Points of Damage(45-50%)
The only main point of practice for this combo is learning the timing on landing the Hx5 string after the initial launch. Once you can do that, the rest of this should be easy. Good damage, reliable as hell, and easy to do. This should be your primary combo(the launcher fits into alot of situations during normal play) until the opp opens up for the big damage combo posted above.
G+D+M(launches), Hx2
80.0 Points of Damage(55-60%)
This combo is Ramirez's bread and butter combo. It's simple, does 3 hits, and gives the player an easy HIGH damage combo.
G+D+M(launches), F+H,H, SB, D+M(*), F,F+M,M(*), D+M(*), M,M,L
96.2 Points of Damage(65-70%)
This combo will take alot of getting used to, as you have to DASH prior to doing the launcher. This gets you close enough so that the later D+M(*), F,F+M,M(*) connect without the opp bouncing out of range. The only thing I can advise when practicing this combo is repetition. You HAVE to get used to the dash, and landing the F+H,H(and later the F,F+M,M) without spamming the buttons. They have to be accurate inputs or the hits won't connect fast enough.
G+M, SB, D+M(*), Hx3(*), D+M(*), (B+M),L,L
61.6 Points of Damage(40%)
Due to Rena being a fast character and her unorthodox Capoeira style, she doesn't have much of an opportunity to do big damage combos nor does she have the ability to do long strings that continue to juggle the opponent. This combo is easy as hell to do, and should be one of your main bread and butter combos as it starts with a fast knockdown attack.
(G+F),F+M(launches), SB, F+Hx10,M, Lx2
69.2 Points of Damage(50%)
This one is easy as well as the first one. Just do the launcher, turn on the speed boost and spam away.
(G+F),F+M(launches), H~SB~H(*), D+M(*), G+M(*), Hx3
59.5 Points of Damage(40%)
This one takes a bit to get used to, as the H~SB~H has to be done in succession QUICKLY so that you activate her speed boost BETWEEN the first two hits of her Hx3 string. The rest is a normal juggle, and is mainly on the list due to it's difficulty and flashyness.
D+G+M(launches), B+Hx2, B+S(*), F,F+H
63.9 Points of Damage(40-45%)
Khan is one of the few characters that has a literal TON of moves that juggle without needing a speed boost. The B+S is NORMALLY used to turn an opponent around, but for some reason it relaunches. So...we take use of it and turn it into a medium damage bread and butter combo.
G+F,M(launches), Mx3~pause~M(*), SB, D+M(*), Hx4,M(*), F,F+H
108.6 Points of Damage(80%)
Once again we are abusing Khan's ability to juggle without the need of a speedboost for an increase in damage...however the Mx3~pause~M that follows up the launch is difficult to time(not only to juggle, but just to do in general). The chain itself ends in a just-frame style move(where it requires the player to pause after the 3rd hit, and time the 4th attack), which makes this all the more problematic. However, the damage output on this combo is HUGE and is totally worth the practice needed.
G+F+M(launches), Hx3(*), SB, Hx3(*), Hx3(*), H,M(*),B~F+M
86.0 Points of Damage(65%)
Shadow also like Khan, has alot of moves in his set that allow him to juggle without the need of a speed boost. Combine this with the fact that his H,M(*),B~F+M does a HUGE chunk of damage and you have yourself the perfect juggle machine. This combo is by the numbers, and shouldn't be difficult to anyone used to doing ANY of the above combos.
(G+F),U+M(stun), B+H(*), (G+L),M(*), B+H(*), SB, Hx3(*), B+H(*), H,M(*),B~F+M
120.4 Points of Damage(80-85%)
Now this combo gets a little bit more technical, as the first 4 hits are all timing based. The main things are to let the opponent stay in stun for a split second before doing the initial B+H, practicing when to land the G+L,M after said B+H, and then learning the followup B+H's timing(along with the speed boost and subsequent string that follows). The damage dealt for this is absolutely mind boggling...and if you don't want the chance of the opponent safe rolling, swap the place of the B+H and the G+L,M(thus getting rid of the second B+H in the combo).
G+F,M(launches), B+H(*), SB, B+H x5(*), (G+L),M(*), Hx3(*), SB, Hx3(*), B+H(*), H,M(*),B~F+M
177.5 Points of Damage( 100% ++ )
This is the be all, end all combo. Why? Because it does two things that shouldn't be possible in this game. It nets well over 100% in damage, while also using a speed boost TWICE. The timing on this is insane, as you have to delay after the first B+H for a split second, then speed boost, THEN input the rest of them. Secondly, if you don't have your timing down for the initial barrage of juggles, then you won't get the G+L,M relaunch off in time. Now, once you have all of those locked down you need to learn the timing for the Hx3 follow up AFTER the G+L,M. Once you get that down, the rest of the combo rolls out like anything else. All I can really say is good luck making this work, cause it took me an hour to figure out, then another 20 minutes of testing to make sure I could do it on command.
D+G+M(launches), (G+F)F+H(*), H,H,SB,H(*), D+M(*), (G+F),F+H(*), Hx6(delayed after first 3 hits)
107.6 Points of Damage(80%)
This combo is all about timing. You have to have the speed and accuracy down to land the G+F,F+H on both occasions AND you need to develop timing for interupting the first Hx3 string with a SB after the 2nd hit(and before the third). The only thing after that is getting the timing down on the delayed Hx6 string.
D+G+M,M(launches), F+H(*)~M(*), SB, D+M, (G+F),F+H(*), D+M(*), F+H(*)~pause~H,M
97.7 Points of Damage(70%)
Welcome to the Flamingo Stance. Each move annotated with a "~" means that it starts with a move that goes INTO the Flamingo Stance, and then is followed up with the next move. The combo is actually fairly normal once you grasp the Flamingo Stance and how it works. Just keep in mind the timing on the G+F,F+H that you were doing in the first combo, and it shouldn't be a problem.
(R)Hx3(*), G+F,F+H(*), H,H,SB,H(*)~G~M(*), D+M(*), (G+F),F+H(*), Hx6(delayed)
102.7 Points of Damage(80%)
This is a 'special' combo. If you can do this(the timing is INSANE), then you deserve to show it off to your friends. This is hands down the hardest juggle I've come up with while studying Kakuto Chojin's combo engine.
Ying Kai Li(Chojin):
D+G+M(launch), (R)Mx2, M,H(*), SB, L,H(*), H,M, M,H(*), (G+F),D+M
84.8 Points of Damage(60%)
Unfortunately, YKL has a VERY limited moveset in Chojin AND Kakuto mode. Not only is this a detriment to the aesthetics of his combos, but it also hinders his overall damage output. Alot of his moves only come out when initially blocked, or if speed boost is on. However, M,H is a standard juggle so you can abuse it during combos to keep the opponent in the air(the same applies to L,H when in speedboost).
H~F,(D+H),H(stun), SB, D+G+M(launches), H~F~H(*), D+M(*), H~F~U+H(*)~pause~M
91.6 Points of Damage(60%)
What initially comes off as a cheap French copy of the Mishima relatives in the Tekken series soon turns lethal once you understand what Sabre can do. This combo is INSANELY difficult due to the starter and will easily take hours of practice. You have to cancel out his H after it connects, tap forward, let the stick/pad go to neutral, tap down and Hx2(which HAS to be timed as it's a just-frame style move). This alone once you learn it gives you NUMEROUS combo openers off of his standing jab(which is fast). Have fun with the end of the combo as well; as it works the same as the opener, only with a delay between the U+H(*) and the following M.
D+G+H(launches), D+G+H(*), H,H~F~U+H(*), SB, H,M,H,M, D+M(*), H~F~H(*), H,M,L
101.2 Points of Damage
Sabre's D+G+H allows him an easy juggle starter and a free chunk of damage. So we use it twice(without the opponent touching the ground, learn the timing) and then follow up with a modification of the "ender" to the previous combo. All this happens before we even initiate the Speed Boost as well. Be sure to land the H,M,H,M while the opp is still fairly high off the ground, as this will allow you to score the D+M followup before they hit the ground(thus negating a chance for a tech roll).
D+M(launch), B+Hx2(*), SB, D+M(*), M,H(*), D+M(*), (D+G+H)~pause~H,M,M, (R)M
80.3 Points of Damage(55%)
Get used to learning her just-frame strings or you'll never be able to understand a third of what she has to offer(including these combos). This one is pretty basic in design, main points of the juggle is getting a grasp on the B+Hx2(after the launch), and the M,H(it doesn't look like it should work, but it does). The only MAJOR part of the combo that you'll have problems with is the slight delay after the (D+G+H) before you continue the rest of the string.
(B+H),M,M(stun), U+H(launches), SB, D+M(*), H,H~pause~H(*)~pause~H, D+M(*), Hx3
93.0 Points of Damage(60%)
This combo utilizes Vittoria's ability to juggle/launch off of her 3-hit stun(only a select few characters can do this) string. As with the last combo this one finishes off with a just-frame chain that leads into the final 3-hit string. Everything else is by the books and you should be able to blow through this with no problem.
MrWhitefolks |
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