Life w/ MrWhitefolks
A new beginning
Ok, here's the deal...
1) I've gotten my ass a full time job. So that takes care of the lack of updates.
2) Pimp-Productions of the past is gone. New attitude, new faces, etc are gonna be poppin up. Why?
3) The online staff(cept for myself and Rhydant) you see here will be no more(rhydant and I were doing the majority of everything, sans flipbonne for getting the pump shit set up),which leads me to...
4)We are now hiring for people that want to do vids(as my cap card is getting worked on along with my pc) and have them hosted here, as well as put up articles n whatnot.
5)With an increased staff of niggas, we'll have more shit for you peeps to enjoy on a regular basis.
6)send all applications(well, just give me a good clue of your writin skizzils if your goin for articles, or show me somethin that i can use to host here[i.e...art,cartoons,comics,videos,samples,whatever] to my email.
Ok, now that I got all that shit out of the way, let's get on to my thoughts for the day....
Cable, the man of MvC2. You love him, you hate him, you love to hate him. Either way, he's a funny mufucka. Case in point...how many badass cable combos did you see before we started putting him all over our vids? Well, to be honest, I didnt see shit as far as him being used for A)the combos, or B)an innovative assist, or even C)some kind of wacky glitch shit[i.e..flipbonne's smakacha grenade xx snapback xx ahvb as the opp hits grenade OFF SCREEN]. Was I downloading every god damn video I could find for MvC2 back in the day? Hell yeah I was. Why? To see what was being used, to see if I've found something that was already done, and to see how the combo scene was going. Now, keep in mind this is all WAY before our site popped up. We had combos, we had vids, they just weren't out anywhere available to the public(especially thanks to tnl's shitty dl speed when we released a badass(for it's time) cvs vid)in an easy way. So, when we finally start talkin to peeps on forums(I'm not naming any as it'd be too easy to crack jokes) about what we have...all we heard was this:
-Dude, cable is fucking gay, you can't combo with him without doing 5x ahvb, you need to do combos with magneto-
or...somethin like this...
-you can't do those combos(even if they exist) cuz your not |337-
Well, to put it bluntly: I see alot more cable combos after the 2 PimpTown vids now than ever(especially considering how far appart those vids were). I also see some of our combos being done in game ALOT(anything that ends with a sweep gets tacked on with a wp psymitar otg xx ahvb now-a-days). Is this a good thing? What do I think after having people use our cable stuff in combos and or for practical purposes in game?
Well, I think it FUCKING ROCKS. To see shit being used/given out as tips on forums/irl for a character that people told me had ABSOLUTELY NO combos without the 5x ahvb fucking rules. Am I pissed because alot of people xcopy without giving props? Nope. Why? Well...I could argue and argue long into the night about how long ago we found these(we're talkin 5-6 months after the arcade version came out...and this is WAY before I got my capture card) and how we could be considered as the "grandpappies" of cable combos. Do I? Nope. Why? Well, whats the point? I'm already happy to see people using cable in another way other than only for winning, and I have no damn need to build up my own ego walking around goin "you know what? I created that combo your using". I just like the fact that now people actually respect what we do, as no matter how small or big or dumb or smart the combo is, I ALWAYS strive to give you fighting gamers something new to see in the combos I do.
...Ok, topic numero dose mufuckas....
I've gotten a few emails from some niggas that I got no clue as to who they are(guess peeps actually read this site)about some stuff, so lemme post some replies n answers n shizznit.
-Do I like being "known" irl for being "MrWhitefolks", and do I get recognized from the site walkin around where I am?-
Well, to answer this I'd have to say it's cool being known as the "combo guy" or MrWhitefolks or whatever, but I'm just out to do this for fun. The less people expect from me, the more I suprise them. ^_^
To the other question, yes. I get recognized alot in my local area, and when I head to different arcades, people sometimes recognize the beanie and combos I'm doin and ask me if I'm "MrWhitefolks". It's a lil' weird to be honest when a complete stranger rolls up on you and starts askin me q's bout shit,vids, the site, etc...but hey, I've ALWAYS been down to help out peeps, so I do my best to answer shit as cool as I can.
But one thing is for DAMN sure. I'm not out to try and make a name for myself. I don't go around telling people who I am, or come up with a dumbass nickname for myself such as "Combo King" or "Master of so and so character" or whatever. I'm just out to have fun and play games n shit. If I find a new or aesthetically pleasing combo along the way, tight shit. If not, no biggie. I'm just down to hang with peeps, have fun and play games when I get the chance. Hell, when people know me from my vids and what I've done to help the combo community...that's good enuf. I don't need to be out trying to shove all my shit in peoples faces and tell them that "I'm the man". It just ain't good manners.
Props to mah niggas of the old p-p.com...
Props to fatnipples...lol...er....FlipBonne for commin up with some of the craziest cable/mvc2 in general shit in a long while for the last PimpTown vol2. Alot of the peeps that saw the vid in the post at GCC before that whole "schpeel" happened didn't pay attention to all the heads up I was giving to him about what he found in the game and he got a lil jealous and po'ed bout it. SO YOU GET YO 500% FULL PROPS NOW NIGGA! W007!(btw...quit tellin people at jhun's that you made all these vids BIYATCH! ^_^)
Heads up to KKF, nigga's been gettin his life straight n shit...and it's good to see his chunky monkey ass gettin squared away. Also...keep that nasty bitch at your job in check foo'. We don't need no ugly babies runnin around. Money = more important than clan matches. WTYM.
Props to May-o-naize for puttin the smack down on everybody that's stepped up in Puzzle Bobble thus far, as well as gettin his school on. Biggest pimp of them all, in the smallest jap/irish/redneck body ever. SMAK-A-MUTHAFUCKIN-CHA!
GuardDog gets props for having the balls to walk around with his tooth jacked up while the braces set in and make him back into the pimp nigga that all deez hoes want. Also...big ups for comin back from Ohio alive. Too many crazy white people down there man, gotta keep you away from those pointed hat mufuckas.
Props also go out to the Rhydant the webmaster, dude's been bustin his ass everytime I get an update ready, and it shows. All he's gotta do is get out and get the pump page fixed and we're rockin the cock of the chicken walk baby! Wiggity-wiggity-paranoid-android-style! (Rhy's note: He knows me too well :))
Aiight, so that finishes off my fuckin rant for the day, so you guys send in yer fuckin applications n shit, and hopefully we can get this biyatch started in a new direction!
Peace-the FUCK-out
-Word to yo Mother-
All content, designs, graphics © 2001-2003 Pimp-Productions.com
Founded and created by Edward Veira, Austin Castillo, and Jacob Childs