Welcome to the dark side, mufucka.
MrWhitefolks is here, once again to give you bullshit from the tip of my dizzome on the daily happenings/whatever.
I think today I'm gonna work on a couple of theories/thoughts I got referring to a certain group/social collective of people known as "otaku/hardcore". Now, from my personal experience(this ranges from over the course of 3 years and many different places) all of the otaku/hardcore kids I've ever met are either ...
A)helluva secluded and shy, and/or at the sametime borderline insane
B)repulsive to the point of gagging due to their hygene habits
C)very outgoingly annoying and weird as all living shit
D)physically/mentally deficient
Alot of them fall into easy to spot categories. Some group up together(usually wearing old 80s clothes, trenchcoats, etc) or some roll alone(trying to be the "teen angst" superstar)...but they almost always have a trait explained above. Some are in their mid 30s and still live at home(and the majority are of the mindset of a 16yr old or less), some talk to themselves, and some just look fucked up. Now, keep in mind this is from PERSONAL experience. You might have some of the most backstreet boy'ish otaku's where your at, but this is what I run into up here. I've seen it all, from the short ones , to the tall 400lb ones...they come in all shapes and sizes. Some are semi-cool to talk too, some are annoying, and some are just fucked up in the head.
Now, another thing that I've noticed that all these type(s) of peeps have in common is two things. Anime. Oh, you know what I'm talking bout. No...not DBZ, that's the trendy white boy shit. We're talkin bout shit like "Evangelion", "Cat Girl Nuku Nuku", "CardCaptor Sakura", or anything revolving around the word "hentai". These guys/gals are the ones that spend an inate amount of cash on bullshit including...anime cells, doujinshi(i.e..porn anime comics), resin statues, "collector edition box sets", posters, wall scrolls, anything "final fantasy" or "sakura taisen", and not excluding soundtracks/seiyuu cds, etc. Now, have I seen this in person? *shivers* Oh yeah...it's a WHOLE 'nother world when you see this stuff all over the place. I mean, this is one of the K-E-Y ways to spot one of these guys.
The other thing that's easy to help spot these guys is 3 letters long. R...P...G. Yes, the "role playing game" which has taken many 'o' otaku's life by storm. When you have to go out and buy the newest jap release of Final Fantasy,Dragon Warrior, or hell...even ShenMue just because you think you have enuf experience from watching subtitled animes to pick up and translate this shit...the game's over. Hand in the towel, the soap, the brushes(for your teeth AND mullet/buzzcut/long nasty locks of doom), the detergent(we all know, including you that them things your wearin ain't gonna get clean anytime soon), and your last chance at losing your virginity till your 35 and sitting at a table playing Magic:The Gathering....cause you've just reached "hello, I think anime girls are real" mentality.
Now, both of these things alone can be "unhealthy", but at the same time they can be kept as a hobby and your life can go on as per norm without any loss of hygene/human grace. Why? Because these 2 things, if seperated, can be tolerated as a "hobby". But when these 2 things get combined...it gets to the point where you are no longer an upstanding person of society, but someone who talks in japanese outloud, in PUBLIC and try to emulate the japanese customs/grievances/etc in everday life.
Now, I know some of you niggas(yeah, the 3 that read this webpage instead of just coming here to dl videos) might be asking me .... damn MrWhitefolks, you ever see that shit in real life? My answer is this. Yes, oh god yes...*shakes head*. When I see people try to "act" japanese or try to play it like they "know" japanese, or try to break themselves off as BEING japanese(when theyre 5`11, smell like ass, and are of the white variety)...it's just fuckin hillarious. I've seen people try to actually TELL me how much more honor filled life would be if we just dueled with swords.
................... o_O ...................
Yes, that is the exact expression I gave the guy that said that to me. He then went on about how our wives should(now, keep this in mind that he's named after a candy despenser)do everything we say, and have "tea" ready for us when we get home. Now, for a quick description of this guy(to the best of my ability), I want you, yes YOU the reader to close your eyes and think of a combination between Joe Dirt,the fat kid from highschool that stunk, and a child molester and you've got a pretty good idea of what this guy's persona is.
Go ahead, close your eyes and try it...I fucking dare you.
Ok, that was a very VERY nasty mental picture wasn't it? I thought so. Ok, so now that I have what is commonly known as "douchebag otaku" stuck in your mind, why don't you just go take a trip to your local "anime club" or mall and look around. Never know what you might come across. Oh, for good reference; head to your local arcade and check the guys playing D.D.R. If they ain't asian, then they might just be otaku! Weird how I'm almost always right bout this shit, ain't it?
MrWhitefolks |
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