Aiight, back from work and I'm here to ramble on bout shit again.
Yeah, you like it dontcha bitch?
Ok, number one on my topic list today is this : Ever want to piss of a british waitress?
Yeah, I know you do, but only myself, Mama Whitefolks, and May-o-Naize know how to accomplish this with EXTREME skizzils.
Well, lemme set this up a bit for ya. It's Nov 23, my mom's birthday. I get off of work late(12am) and decide to take her and Mayo out with me to a 24/7 restaurant that doesn't suck(no, it can't be Denny's as I noted that this restaraunt DOESN'T suck) for some eats. Sounds reasonable right? Sure does. I'm there alot, they know me, everything is coo....
Until we sit down.
Yes, that's when we run smack dab into the re-incarnation of the chick from "every shitty british sitcom ever". Only this one is brunette, even more annoying, and being a cunt bitch. All on my mom's bd. Hmmm...what to do? Well, to be quite honest we didn't know at first, but the more I thought about what Mayo was saying earlier, the more it became clear to me.
*flashback sequence*
He was taking 1 dollar bills and writing anti-white people propoganda all over the borders. So...that sparked an on the fly diss of epic quality. See, all you gotta do is take that dollar, take into account what kind of bitch this waitress is, AND where she's from and you got a simple answer.
You write(with a pen you have HER let you borrow) something lude and crude on the borders of the dollar and leave it as the tip.
In this case it was "You are the WEAKEST link...goodbye". Now, that alone would have done the job, but Mayo(being the bastard that he is) took it up a notch. He went and took a glass of water, and angled it just right so that the word "WEAKEST" was magnified thru the glass at about 5x normal size. Woulda loved to see the look on that bitches face, no doubt.
Hey, check this. I'm banned from "gamecombos.com" again. Yeah, I know. How? Well it's helluva easy to see actually. Remember the last rant(not part 1, but the one before that) where I called Tragic(the owner of the site) a fag and made fun of the way he talks online? Well, that ninny fucktard got a feather up his ass that had quils and decided to take it personal.
So right after I make my return to the forums, I'm banned again.
Ain't that some shit? Banned from srk.com, gamecombos.com, and if I wanted, tnl.com and gamefaqs.com(wouldn't be hard). Looks like I got me a record goin on here.
.................some niggas should just put aside the whole jealousy thing. Everybody knows I'm a dead sexy bitch, so don't get all pissy bout it ya fuckin ninnies.
You know what really gets me in an ironic mood? Is when I'm at the bowling alley and there's an assload of people playing DDR(with a crowd, mind you) and I go and hop on PiU and start freestyling like normal...and out of nowhere I hear this.
"Oh My Gawd! He's actually DANCING!!!"
It's just fuckin hillarious to see the look on many 'o' peeps faces when they see what can actually be acheived when playing one of these games. And I feel REAL bad for the dorks on DDR trying to get their perfect score on Paranoi Rebirth Maniac.
Hmmm, what else to layeth my pimp down upon? Ahhh...just peeped some really disturbing shit I thought you'd like to be warned about.
- CosPlayers...or what we call The End of Good Looking Women -
Yeah, we already know I don't like otakus(game or anime variety), but when you dress up as a videogame character and fucking besmirch what they are by being either:
A)being 5'2 and smelling like shit, then donning a "Tuxedo Mask" suit,
B)being enormously overweight and cosplaying as a slender character,
C)trying to look badass, but end up looking like MY ass
It makes the rest of us in dire need of some Millar. No, I'm DEAD serious here. When you come dressed up like Sailor Moon but have a set of BALLS, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you. Hell, one of the main rules of cosplay should be that you look the part. Why? Well...lemme put down an example real quick for ya.
See this? This is MoMo from Project Justice(i.e...Rival Schools sequel for Dreamcast). Now, this person(whoever it may be) depicts the character pretty damn well. Short, slender, looks like jail bait. Great...you did your job hoe. *thumbs up*
Same with this one. She actually looks a bit too old for the character, but hey...I bet she can suck a mean one. *thumbs up*
But THIS is NOT fucking acceptable. Ok, I want you to understand that this whale of flesh here is supposed to be the same character as the cute little white girl(s) above. No. No more will MoMo be her name. This obese mammoth of steakfries has completely ruined what this character was about. This thing will only be known as MOO-MOO from now on. *shivers*
I'm really, REALLY hopin that those "tennis balls" are actually tennis balls and not the orange Hostess cupcakes. Man that'd be fuckin nasty.
Hey, look what I found...more cos play pics! Be prepared to see a new dawn of retardation.
[picture not present]
Ok, what do we have here. On the left is Roberto. On the far right is Edge. 2nd from the right is Hayate. And in the middle is mr mexi dip and chips(I'll get to him later). How the livin shit can you go and deface a cool group of characters like that? Hell, the only one that looks decent is Roberto, but I think that it's a chick cosplaying as him(look at the limp wrist bitch hands in this pose). Anybody care to tell me when Edge went from being a badass gang member to a 250+ pound filipino? Come the fuck on now, niggas pants look like they're gonna explode. Yo, whiteboy...loose the gut from all your at home binges with the Cali dirt pizza and take a look at the character your supposed to be. He's a GYM INSTRUCTOR! Nigga has what we call ABS, and somethin else that I would like to refer to as a fucking JAW LINE. Yeah, with a jaw line we might have ALMOST taken you seriously(but the minute we saw the pizza belly it woulda still been all over).
[picture not present]
Oh, and mexidip right there, jesus. STONE WASHED JEANS ARE IN ONLY IF YOU HAVE A MULLET. Not only does he NOT look like the character(a variation of Batsu), but he's got the good ol fashioned TINFOIL/CARDBOARD combo plate goin on for the collar, that is complete with the "What you lookin at homes?" grimace. Aiight maybe it's me, but do you think we should start a fucking fund for your monkey ass so you can use more than house hold items to make your suit? I'm pretty sure that 5cents from every member is gonna add up to alot more pesos so you can pick up something that doesn't make you look like a bitch.
Ok, got that across fairly well. Oh, and don't worry...I will be DAMN sure to make more slams towards cos players as I find their pics online. No doubt. All these niggas get a big fucking "C". Yeah bitch, you get a "C".
OH! You don't know what "C" is for do ya? Aiight then, listen up.
C = Corny, which = good description of any douchebag/loser, which then also = The Capcom Cow up there. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Well, it seems to be that it's gettin late as fuck and I'm a good 40oz full of MGD, so I do entail that this be the end of this biyatch. Pimp on, my niggas.
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Founded and created by Edward Veira, Austin Castillo, and Jacob Childs