
There's a problem with gaming - and it has nothing to do with games. Nope, that side is fine; the real bitch is in the gamers themselves. Now I know there are plenty of people who escape these stereotypes, but the biggest gripe in gaming comes from two sides; the mainstream and the elite.
The mainstream sucks. Not happy enough with just enjoying a game, they have to come off as holier-than-thou and educate you in fine merits of DoA3 or Tomb Raider. No, it's not that they're bad games, but if you don't like them, the mainstream gamer rides your ass. Lame.
The elite gamer hates EVERYTHING. They especially hate the mainstream - afterall it was they who killed the 'golden age' of gaming. Then again...the great days of 16-bit were filled with just as much crap as today. The only difference was you wouldn't get some yuppie all wet over a SNES game that played like crap. Why? Because they couldn't get hot and bothered over the graphics first and think about how it plays after. But I digress...
There's more to it than that. The elite gamer hates new games, hates your opinion of games if it doesn't coincide with theirs, hates to talk about games (because they can never agree and have fun with it). Overall...they permeate this vibe of negativity, or jaded cynicissm that begs one to ask:
Why the hell do they play games anyway?
The yuppie mainstream can't love what's not 'hip' - the elite seems to think they know more than anyone else on gaming, and it drives them insane for that. It's like one end doesn't know what to do with the great gift of gaming, and the other end is so amazed at the lack of venerance for the hobby that everyone SHOULD have, that they're just sick of the whole gig.
What's the best type of gamer? The one who defies all stereotypes yet resides in all of them. The one who can just PLAY games and ENJOY what they're doing. Think you HAVE to get all 120 shines, like it's a chore? Put the game down and give it a rest. Don't 'get' the 'brillance' of GTA3? Don't worry - you don't have to, and you're not stupid for not understanding. Play what you will, and if someone sees you as part of a clique? That's their loss, because anyone who's too busy overanalyzing the trends or trying to keep up with them misses the REAL reason in gaming.
(Kevin Cameron
(To all those who just play what they dig - thanks for making me remember you're still there. Without you, I'd completely give up on the fun) |
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