Why ricers are fucking idiots.

What we got here is a perfect example of why most ricer kids are fucking idiots. There's these guys up here in WA trying to start this "team" of racing ricer retards(that's the triple R trifecta right there biyatch) that think the name TEAM DECEPTICON would be not only a "dope" name, but an original one at that. Now, I don't know about you, but last time I checked almost every white/azn/beaner that owned a fucking import car had some Transformer logo on it.

I mean christ, it's like having "--insert ethnicity here--pride" on your rear window. Nobody fucking cares. Great, you found a 2 dollar decal of a robot face from some old half anime bullshit 80s cartoon. GOOD JOB. Now you can be "in" with all the other "old schoolers" that race....oh wait, nobody that gave a shit about Transformers back in the day gives 2 shits about meeting up at Krispy Kreme to race their fucking mommy boughten Honda Civics.

Not only did they get pissed off when some of us tried to tell them the idea was gay, but now there's some ricers bitchin and threatening [tb]fuckass. Last time I checked we were in America and not in the Communits Republic of China you stupid fob bastards.

Opinions are a dime a dozen. You don't have to agree with it, but threatening someone over the internet because he said your crew's decals were gonna be gay is retarded. Like you're gonna do anything anyways. Hell, if you do I bet you roll like 30 deep because there ain't a god damn one of you that can do it solo. Whole bunch of rave dancing, decal abusing, turbo boosting, faggits.


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