I love social workers

I love social workers, especially the ones who come into my store and let their "clients" come in and play on our computers. Just a little background info on these assclowns. These kids are the fuckin psycho, nerd, retard, homeless kids, and your good ole fashioned American crack babies.

So this bitch comes in with like 5 black kids and some retarded white kid, who obviously finds no love in his halfway house, everyday to play on our computers. Their time runs out so I casually walk over and ask them if they would like to extend their time as it has run out again. Uber WA State Social Worker tells me she has to go across the street to get some money from the ATM. I'm like ok, well they can just stay on while you go do that. Well the retarded kid is vastly mentally inept when it comes to computers. So he is reduced to following the bitch around like an animal. This kid is mad annoying and constantly pestering. Kinda like a puppy, only ugly, deformed, retarded... OK more like the worthless piece of shit dog that you wanna bury up to its neck in the ground and use a sledge hammer to pound it into a bloody pancake. He wants to go across the street with the bitch, she tells him no.

The ticking tard bomb is about to explode. He starts yelling at her, "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO!!!" He then proceeds to get that look. You know that look when a retard is fucking determined to do something and nothing is goin to stop him. You know, like when he wants to finish 7th in a special olympics footrace. He storms out the door following the bitch outside. As I stand looking out the window, the crazy retarded kid is goin apeshit outside because the awesome Social Worker won't let him cross the street.

Now I'm all about independence. If the fucko wants to go across the street, fine let him. The hilarity ensues. Our front door is shut and they are on by the sidewalk and I can hear them both screaming their heads off. After a while that dies down, and I got a bunch of people sitting outside my store like it was their porch. This is the best part, after an hour or so the fucking cops show up. Evidentally she called the goddamn cops on him! Her own fucking "client" or whatever and she calls the cops cuz he goes apeshit about her not letting him cross the street!

So are there any jobs in the social worker field that I can get in on for this shit? I mean, why not, waste our fucking tax money by bringing homeless psychotic kids to a computer lan place and play violent shooting games? Whats worse is she can't control her own "clients" and calls the cops on him for christ sake!

God Bless America.

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