Queen of Harts 98
An all chick figting game on pc that doesn't suck?
Well...this is some weird shit. First I download the new Eternal Fighter Zero demo(imagine it as Guilty Gear X's little sister) and then I'm sent a full version of QoH98! How does one go about explaining QoH98? *ponder* Well, let's just say that if you took 12 super cute anime chicks, put em all in schoolgirl outfits, made "mini-me" versions of them, added a buttload of fighting moves, and had some mad bastard programmers do up the game with control so tight you can play it on your keyboard with ease; then this is what you get. An awesome fighting game that works on your keyboard(and with the ms sidewinder), has an abundance of moves, 12 characters, a PHAT combo system(if I could make combo movies on this game, I would), and great animation(for when it came out).
Combo system:
This is what your worried about more than anything right? Thought so. Ok, what we have here is a very simple game structure that allows some insane shit. 3 attacks(weak,medium,fierce),double jumps,dashing,counters,2 or more supers per character, and somethin I'm gonna have to dub the "hong kong fooey"(I can't read japanese for shit, so I'm coining a new phrase!)
The "hong kong fooey" happens if your opponent and your attack connect at the same time(akin similar to the Rival Schools series). Now, here's what makes it kick so much ass. In Rival Schools when you did the "hkf" it would pause the game for a split second(to add dramatics?). But in QoH98, the cpu and myself had a battle that was witnessed by May-o-naize and belongs in the "holy jesus almighty" category. A quick example? Sure...I can try to recreate this for you.
Me(Remy) vs Cpu(Akari)
1) Match starts per norm, I rush in. J.fierce which is immediately "hkf" with akari's s.weak. 2) As Akari combos into a ground chain combo(which looked like w,m(2 hits)f,f+fierce), 3) I continued to attack in the air and "hkf" her entire ground chain! 4) I land and immediately go into weak,weak,medium(1hit),f,f+weak(2hits). The cpu blocks everything until the last hit of the f,f+weak in which she 5) "hkf's" it and returns favor by going d.w,d.m,d.f,qcf+wk! I block all of the succesive hits and as Akari rushes back in to continue an awesome pressure game, 6) my character Remy meets every rushing attack full on. w matched with w, m matches with m, etc. 7) Akari canels into her d.d+f super(shoryureppa clone), 8) I have Remy cancel into her "Showtime!" super(qcb+f) which is basically a glorified multi-hitting shoulder tackle. Now, Remy's attack will end first, while Akari still has 3-4 hits left on her uppercuts. 9) As soon as I see Remy loose momentum, I go directly into a ground chain combo(w,m,fierce,f,f+weak) and "hkf" the entire super! 10) Only problem is that at the end of this super, Akari volleyball spikes her hand straight down and I misjudged what to do and I got clocked in the dome. 11) Now Remy has 96% life left and Akari is still at 100%. O_o
Seems pretty cool huh? Well, take what I just typed, and think about it in game time. What just transpired above took about 20-25 seconds. That is a LONG time in a fighting game to be multi-cancleing and "hkf'ing" stuff(especially considering that I've had this game in my possesion for about a DAY). And the fact remains that I haven't even started talking about the double jump full screen combos the cpu layed down on my unsuspectin' ass(ok...word of caution: the nightmare difficulty is where the cpu girls just abuse your face with their feet/fists/titties/whatever until your left sitting in your chair ; mouth agape-in-awe of what just happened to your poor little schoolgirl).
The music and sound effects are pretty standard. Some sound ripped from other games, Remy sounds a HELLUVA lot like Tiffany from RS and I swore I heard Yuri from AoF in there too. The attack effects and hit sparks all look quite nice and do the job for a game that came out in 1998(and do a DAMN good job I might add). You can tell that the makers of this game are fans of the v.s series of games, but decided to make it a 1 on 1 affair. When supers are inputted correctly, the same energy slices that we've seen in every v.s game ever come in like they were just rolled on over in a new rockin' pimp-mo-bile. Oh! The nice little "avatar" face shot also shoots in right before a super is launched at the opponent as well. It's always good to have gamers making games...and if now we could only get people to take this game to a console.
-Word to yo Mother-
Review Score = 9
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