Where's Waldo?
Ok, this one is for those people that are too lame to have anything to do with a good game

. "Where's Waldo?" Well, he isn't in my nes, that's for damn sure. I'm sure you guys know who he is(white,glasses,likes to hide in children's books), and guess what? They(being the poor souls who have the same mindset as those behind Bible Adventures and Sunday Funday) made a game for him! Now ain't that ironic? If your to lazy to open a book and look for him, why not make it 5 times harder(due to the graphics) on your eyes and look for him on your nes! Yeah!

Well, here's the story. Waldo has a ticket to the moon(yeah, they sell those now). So he has to get from his starting point(some green hill on the left side of the screen) and trek through a ton of stages where you FIND him(he's not leavin for the moon untill you see him....or something) and make it all the way to the rocket. Along the way he gets lost in a Cave, where you have to use your flashlight to find him, then guide him to his glasses and escape. He also winds up in the "Big City", he gets lost in a subway(complete with father time hunting you down[what the fuck?] and all kinds of crazy jigsaw bullshit puzzles to get thru), and then....after all that? You get to the rocket, where you play a game of slots which when beaten, turns on the ignition to the rocket and off to the moon you go!

Game over. You win.

Why would you play this? You wouldn't. Unless you were stoned off your ass. But then again, why would you get up, insert the cart, and turn on your nes to play this when you can sit there and watch tv? But on the off chance that you find this game(don't know how), play it(don't know why), and get stuck(god forbid if you do in any place other than the subway)....I've graciously included the locations for Waldo in all of the stages at the end of the article.
Why did I do this? Pure and unadulterated boredom.

*sighs* Man, even if I could score this, I wouldn't want to. But hey! At least it's better than "Chubby Cherub" and "Super Pitfall"........*shivers in agonizing pain*

-Word to yo Mother-

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Founded and created by Edward Veira, Austin Castillo, and Jacob Childs