Mercenaries Professor
MWF's Bitch

Posts: 16
X-men 3 is a alright movie... but a horrible X-men movie
« on: May 26, 2006, 08:15:23 AM »
Decent movie with a couple of well done action scenes, Normal pace and a couple of that was cool moments and you got a good movie. But some of the shit that was in the script and some of the characters where not needed and you got a pretty piss poor X-men movie.
1. Phoenix was the shit, but not quite in a X-men story way.
2. Danger room scene was very well done, and prolly the best scene in the entire movie imo.
3. Beast was also well done and was prolly the MVP of the action in the last battle. ( But Nightcrawler= better Imo )
1. Juggernaught looked stupid as shit, and on top of that had a corny ass lines. ( Worst Character in the movie )
2. Lots of pointless characters Angel, Colossus, Rogue, Kitty Pyrde. No depth at all
3. Script seemed very rushed with a story that should have been something totally different.
4. Storms lines were horrible and her action scenes sucked.
5. Prolly should have been about 45 mins longer as a X-men movie.
6. Iceman and Pyro DBZ/Harry Potter power struggle was predictable and very lazy.
What would have made this movie real good is if they did not rush it as a CASH COW and they went with a different story. The logical guess is that Sentinels would be in the movie and as a side note humans where trying to cure mutants. Dark phoenix would be held off for the forth movie and get a WHOLE movie to devote to that story instead of having Phoenix join Magneto and just standing there. All in all if this is that last of the X-men movies fine then it was
about a C- effort, if they plan on making more then they fucked up pretty bad.
Ghost rider just might = the win thou
« Last Edit: May 26, 2006, 08:40:19 AM by lex_deathlancer » |
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Mercenaries Professor
MWF's Bitch

Posts: 16
Re: X-men 3 is a alright movie... but a horrible X-men movie
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2006, 04:24:42 AM »
Should have had Sentinels in it then, then you could kill whoever they wanted.
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T Mack
Posts: 366
Re: X-men 3 is a alright movie... but a horrible X-men movie
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2006, 04:31:05 PM »
Haven't seen it yet. Parking at theatres here in Florida is crazy.
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T Mack
Posts: 366
Re: X-men 3 is a alright movie... but a horrible X-men movie
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2006, 01:21:07 PM »
Ummmm.... saw the movie today. Was Proffesor X's first name Charles? Because if everyone stayed for the whole movie like I did, including through the credits, then we know this is not the last movie. Maybe I am wrong though.
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T Mack
Posts: 366
Re: X-men 3 is a alright movie... but a horrible X-men movie
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2006, 08:13:07 PM »
Basically at the end of the credits you see charles in a nursing home in another mans' body.
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MWF's Bitch

Posts: 8
Re: X-men 3 is a alright movie... but a horrible X-men movie
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2006, 06:23:22 PM »
It is not the last movie, they have already announced a 4th. This one did feel rushed. I thought Storm was better than in the other movies but yeah the whole Iceman/Pyro thing was lame. Turning the Juggernaut into a mutant was retarded but I can't blame them for avoiding the whole magic background story.
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Posts: 216
Re: X-men 3 is a alright movie... but a horrible X-men movie
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2006, 04:05:25 PM »
Given that the flick amazingly made a shitton of money for being as bad as it was will most likely convince Fox to produce another sequel after they get moving with the upcoming Magneto and Wolverine solo films(why they would do a Storm solo movie is beyond me).
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Jizz Master 0
I bullshit
Posts: 126

Re: X-men 3 is a alright movie... but a horrible X-men movie
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2006, 11:55:52 PM »
Because Hallie Berrie(sp?) is black, and all those white excutives have fantasies over her, Personally, I don't think she's even remotely attractive.
$20 says they get her in underwear/swimwear (They wouldn't be able to do less as it'd ruin their rating).
« Last Edit: June 05, 2006, 11:58:59 PM by Jedah » |
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MWF's Bitch

Posts: 8
Re: X-men 3 is a alright movie... but a horrible X-men movie
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2006, 09:25:22 PM »
Here is where all the talk is coming from:
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