04/26/07" - MrWhitefolks

While the site is being retooled graphically and content wise(yes, we're still hiring), I can at least offer a significant update(one worthy of a new page post) in the form of a brand spankin' new video.

Bullet Witch is a game for the Xbox360, from the well known(for all the wrong reasons) company Caviat. It's an awesomely broken budget title that Atari decided to force people to buy at full price...but I can't reccomend it enough. The game is just hillariously badass and if you can snag it for under $30.00 then by all means do so.

For those of you who HAVE the game, well you should be ready to shit your pants. This video shows off all kinds of bugs, exploits, and climbing nonsense that nobody in the fanbase has thought of...and it's packed in a 2minute 720x480 high def(ish) video of insanity.

Tell your friends, tell the people on message boards, tell your lunchlady. MrWhitefolks' is back, and you can continue to expect the craziest videos, showing off the worst parts of the best games out there.

Site going through major overhaul, now hiring
12/12/06 - MrWhitefolks

After a long downtime(due to work and family related issues), we're once again looking for people who want to contribute reviews and or opinionated rants to the site. However, unlike before where I would take anything and throw it up on here, we're looking for quality work that we will openly pay for. Consider it a freelance opportunity to write reviews about the things you most enjoy(be it games, movies, comics, etc) and get a small chunk of change in return. Not only do you get to have your work published on a site that has over 500,000 hits per month on average(even during the downtime, oddly enough) but you'll be paid to do so.

Whether you want to review a current game that just hit the market or lament about the classics that everybody has looked over; we want your opinions and articles. Seen a film recently that you had to write about? Toss us a line in the forums and let us know you want to hook up and get paid. Find a new comic series(or perhaps a niche title) that you want to spread the word about? All you have to do is contact us.

Now you may be asking yourself, "Why the hell is he offering to pay for my reviews?". Well the answer is simple: I've gotten sick of running this site based soley around my content/views/opinions(which lead only to one side of the coin) and I sincerely think it's time that we branch out and start paying the people that have the ability to tell us why something is good or bad. Look, if some asshat can get paid to play games and review them as a profession when he obviously doesn't care about what he does(cough, 90% of the publicated game magazines on the market today) then it's about goddamn time that YOU, the actual gaming enthusiast who spends countless hours playing games and talking about them amongst your friends should be able to get the same opportunity.

Granted, we're not backed by any type of investors or multi-media conglomerate so the pay won't be great(I'll be honest, you're lookin at around $10.00 - $20.00 per article if used), but I'm pretty sure that you'd rather have the chance to get paid to do what you love than to just throw up another well thought out piece onto some blog, myspace, or forum that's filled with way WAY to many retards that don't appreciate an educated opinion.

Now, if any review or article is used, it will become a Pimp-Productions exclusive, and posting it anywhere else will be extremely prohibited. Why? The idea is to give the people that visit the site something that they KNOW will only be found at this site. Hopefully this will build a consistent return base of users and we hope that word of mouth spreads from us being 'that one site with the videos' to being 'this site with all the awesome reviews/articles/forum/videos that is updated consistently with entertaining material'.

Note: Even though it should be plainly obvious, you will be credited 100% for your work if we accept any material.

Animation Reworks, Spring Cleaning, etc
05/28/06 - MrWhitefolks

SH animated reworks:
Almost every single Silent Hill movie animation has been redone in a higher quality format.

Animations will now be swapped out just like the videos:
This is due to the site running out of bandwith, so you can expect some of the lesser viewed sections to get the boot first(namely Incredibles and KimPossible animations).

Aww yeah son:
We've officially got a MYSPACE page. So go hit it up and spread the word amongst all of your emo, girl pants wearing friends.

Massive Animated Gif Gallery Update
05/13/06 - MrWhitefolks

Ok, we got ourselves a pretty big ass update today. I've streamlined the gallery into easier to browse catagories, added Silent Hill 1(game animations), Silent Hill(live-action,movies), Mr and Ms Smith(live-action,movies), and the resident random bastard DonkofKong tossed in 3 new ones of his own.

Note: I was sent a literal shit-ton of Final Fantasy Advent Children animations by someone via email. The problem is that my comp died and I had to reformat it(thus losing their contact info), if you're reading this then hit me up via email so I can put these gifs on the site and give you full credit.

Condemned:Criminal Origins(PC version)
05/05/06 - MrWhitefolks

Since 80% of gamers in the US populace skipped the Xbox360 due to the "I H8 XBOX, PS3 RULZ LOL" mentality, all of you missed out on Condemned:Criminal Origins. But now the PC version is out and if you have broadband, get your ass over to the Official Condemned Website and snag the demo. This game is like nacho cheese on 7-11 hotdogs good, and EVERYBODY who's sick of the conventional WW2/Sci-Fi FPS shooter needs to go check it out.

The story itself is a solid(if a tad cliche) one, following your character's attempt to clear his name as you search various crime scenes attempting to solve one of the most bizarre serial murders in history. Action is briefly stopped at times to have you search for evidence that you'll need to clear your name, or for random phone calls you get from other characters(which helps push the story along), but for the most part you're a one man murdering machine.

Combat is fully intuitive as you usually have 4 different melee strikes(depending on the weapon, the attack varies in both damage and style), you can use a front kick to push enemies away from you, AND you have a stungun(which recharges automatically) which evens the fight when it gets rough.

Each weapon/item you find has it's own stats including range of attack, damage output, blocking efficiency, and speed and can be traded out for anything else you find on the fly(however, you cannot stockpile weapons so it's best to experiment early on to learn what you're good with).

The enemies themselves are notedly sly and cunning(which is especially dangerous considering they're drugged/diseased crazed maniacs); and they will run away, hide, or call for backup as needed. When in the more open areas they usually hunt/search in packs, but more often than not they'll be hiding behind furniture or pillars waiting to jump you when you're least expecting it.

While fighting out in the open against 3 of these crazy bastards could be considered a bad idea, you have to remember that they are HIGHLY volitile and you can get them to fight each other if one of them accidentally hits a commrade(not only will this buy you time and weaken them down, but it's pure chaos and is HILLARIOUS to watch).

The enviorns themselves are also designed with the idea of making the player tense and filling them with paranoia, as the lighting coupled with the architecture leads you to be extra cautious in each new area. You never quite know when some mouth foaming crackhead could come flying at you out of a dark corner, or from behind a distressed futon.

Couple this with interactive enviornments that sometimes require you to be wielding a specific weapon(using a fireaxe to break through a broken door, for example) and you start to understand the level of detail in this melee based FPS title.

Between smashing numerous skulls with random blunt objects, to collecting evidence(using CSI tools) and attempting to solve this grisly crime, Condemned:Criminal Origins is a insanely well built title with a completely different feel to it that seperates it from every other FPS on the market.

The Silent Hill Experience
05/02/06 - MrWhitefolks

What we got here is a nifty little UMD for Sony's PSP handheld. Now I know when you hear "UMD" you immediately think of those god awful, ridiculously priced(and low end) movies that have been mass-ported to the PSP. But herein lies the difference with the Silent Hill Experience, as this little disc is actually WORTH the $19.95.


To start we've got trailers for all four Silent Hill games and the cinematic film trailer. Then there's the lengthy interviews with the lead game designer,composer,and even the director of the SH movie. Not only that, but this little disc has the ENTIRE run of the first SH comic, Silent Hill:Dying Inside and even a brand spankin' new "exclusive" comic called Silent Hill:Hunger.

But instead of a normal,run of the mill, flip the page and use the analog stick to browse type of comic that you're expecting...these are done in full cinematic fashion. Pans, zooms, speech bubbles, transistions, and even music turns what could have been a full on gimmick into something that is actually wholey entertaining.

What if I'm not a hardcore SH fan?

No worries. This is one hell of a solid 'entry level' venture for those who want to get familiar with the series after enjoying the film(or even hearing about the game from friends), and if you're a longtime SH fan it's a great way to soak up more of the forboding atmosphere that we appreciate so much. Seriously, even if you're a remote Silent Hill fan you should snag this. It's worth every god damn penny.

MrWhitefolks calls bullshit on game magazine journalists
04/03/06 - MrWhitefolks

Since I got this gig for IGN to do the Rumble Roses:XX strat guide, I've had to delve deep into what makes the game tick, find out how to unlock outfits/characters, and experiment with all the body modification variables and what it actually does for you in game.

Naturally I've kept up on some of the reviews for the game from varying magazines/online outlets. Spots like IGN, Gamespot and magazines such as OXM have all proven that the people who did the reviews actually didn't spend any time with it at all. So I'm here to call bullshit on these "professionals" that continually do this type of work with titles(other than this game, but I'm using RR as an example).

For example, the dipshit in OXM openly states "...compete for cash prizes (no belts, sorry)". However, for you to even start unlocking characters you need to win championship matches.

Then he goes onto misinform the readers about what the body modification sliders do for your character(which can only prove that he didn't even look at the in game tutorial VIDEOS that explain what these are for).

"Second is physique: the more you fight, the more muscles you character develops."

Completely fucking false. The muscle is not built by playing the game itself, but rather by using the slider in the customize mode in your characters locker room(the moves you do depend on how far you can move the slider, that is all). This in turn modifies how much damage you take/deal depending on the move you are performing/succumbing to. Lower muscle mass equals less damage from submissions(as your body is more flexible) and more muscle mass gives you a higher damage output on your suplexes and offense.

Whether this is from a personal agenda or due to not spending more than 5 minutes with the game before he writes up a sloppy ass review that spends more time bitching about the womens movement than it does covering a game(which is a moot point considering that these people go and give DoA the hugest blowjob known to man everytime it's released, and the SOLE selling point of that title was the T&A)engine for the sake of the readers is up to you to decide. All I know is that this is one of the most sophmoric things I've ever read in my life(I've seen "plant" reviews of films that were more legitimate than this).

Seriously, if you get paid to review games, then fucking play them. The last thing we need are idiots in the game industry telling the retards at home what to buy based on their own inept inability to play through a title before their review is due for the magazine.

Consider this an open declaration of "I'm sick of your ignorance in how you treat any game that isn't an overhyped GTA clone(they've done this with multiple fighting games and many niche titles over the last few years; but this is the final god damn straw)". Grow a set and do your fucking job, I'm doing mine and the people on the RR:XX message boards have been working tirelessly to figure out how the game works as well...and they don't even get paid for it.

What a fucking joke.

Animated Gif Gallery Update
03/19/06 - MrWhitefolks

Ok ladies, we got ourselves a fairly decent update in the gallery.

Silent Hill 1 and 2 animations in the Games section
Bunch of misclaneous stuff in the Games section
New "requests" in the Adult section
1 new gif in both the misc and movie section of the Live Action area

But now I'm hosting a shit-ton of work from a homie in his own section aptly named DonkOfKong, who has created just as many crazy fads on 4chan as I have...and he's got more where that came from, so keep an eye out.

Guess who's ready to start cross promoting?
03/14/06 - MrWhitefolks


Here's the deal: The site has blown up(literally) into popularity I never even remotely expected(as of this posting we're well over 400 THOUSAND hits) and it's about time we started sharing the love.

What's this mean to you, the advertiser/sponser/promoter? This means that we'll pimp your ads, preview/review stuff you send us, and give our fans a chance to see your product, YOUR merchandise from a completely blunt, unbiased and real perspective.

If you're interested in buying some ad space, we're doing it on the cheap(way, WAY less than most sites who average over a million hits every 6 months) so feel free to hit me up via and we'll get something worked out. Doesn't matter if you run a game company, a webcomic, or a random image board...if you want ad space you just hollar at me.

If you're a company that wants something different from the tired ass "this game would be great if it had more polish" bullshit previews that we see in every single print mag or "unbiased fansite" then by all means, hit us up. We aren't asking for anything other than the chance to spread the word(good or bad) about your titles and we don't even expect anything in return other than the preview copy/swag you send us to begin with.

Now I have to stress the blunt, honest, and sometimes even abrasive style of reviews we do. If the product you send us is the second coming of Jesus then I'll make sure that this title get's the word of mouth it deserves and your potential fanbase WILL know about it. However, if your game eats more ass then the average Uwe Boll movie I will NOT candy coat a goddamn thing and I will personally make sure people know to avoid it like the local meth lab.

But then again, why choose us? Well it's simple. We don't beat around the bush. We have played so many god awful games/watched so many horrible movies that we know what we hate and why we hate it. That alone allows us to fully appreciate something that is well developed. Lord knows people don't even read reviews on most of the "high end" websites anymore because the writers can't keep anyone entertained(due to them being forced to act like robots) so all they know is what your game/movie scored.

But over here they read what we think, because we come off just like any person you'd talk to on the street, almost like a realistic disfunctionally abstract gaming family...and that in and of itself is what makes the difference. The passion, the personality, the love for gaming and the outright belief that if we can help people that it'll be worth all the horrible garbage we had to play through to save some poor schmuck his $50.

To contact me to set up some kind of demo preview hit up my and we can get started on spreading the word to the public.

And so the help starts rollin' in
03/14/06 - MrWhitefolks

Well you know how "busy" we are here, and how "often" we "update" the site with news and reviews, so after putting out the word that we're taking reviews/rants/etc from damn near anyone with an ability to type a coherant piece, we've got something for you...

...and on par with the rest of our reviews, it's about a game from well over a year ago. Buckle up bitches, because Iceman drops a Halo 2 review so fucking hot that you'll swear to *insert abstract holy leader of reader's choice* that it's the fucking armageddon.

God my puns are horrible.

Positions Available, bitches
03/04/06 - MrWhitefolks

Unbeknownst to myself(until VERY recently), my site somehow got gargantuanly popular(read: we did well over 1MILLION site hits in 2005 alone)and it's about time we expanded. What's that mean to the you, the reader/fan/gamer? We need content. More updates, more videos, more reviews/rants, more fanart, etc. See, with a site that is this popular, I have to attempt to bust ass to KEEP it 'fresh' so that the fanbase that is regularly visiting it continue to do so(which is something that we've rarely done). This is where you guys step in...

You ever have a piece you wanted to get put online, but had nowhere to throw it? Got a game related video and want it shown to the masses? How about getting your opinion heard by over a hundred thousand users a month? Well now you we're once again openly accepting anything from the public. As long as it's yours and it fits in with our website's "general theme", then we're good to go.

What fits in with our "general theme", you ask? Reviews(games, movies, comics, tv), Rants(any subject as long as it's absolutely entertaining), Videos(game related), Fanart(game/comic/movie/), and news/opinion pieces(example: "Top *insert number value here* Hot Girls in Gaming", "Deconstructing the engine: How to develop crazy combos in Fighting Games", etc), and even your own FAQs/Strategy Guides(obviously game related).

All we ask is that you keep your work honest. Don't go giving blowjobs to a company/game/system you haven't even touched, nor bash anything without fully experiencing it. We don't need our content reflecting the ignorance of the /v/ board on 4chan(OMG PS3 CAN MAKE VIRTUAL REALITY SEXZ)...but at the same time we don't want to come off as "holier than thou" like the system specific magazines are(psm/opm/nintendo power/oxm/etc). Keep it honest, keep it real, make it entertaining/interesting.

Feel free to hit me up by contacting me by my email(mrwhitefolks @, or via msn/aim(the_smoo @ and mwf8134 respectively) in regards to this offer.

When you leech bandwith, shit like this happens
03/02/06 - MrWhitefolks

Ok, someone out there decided it would've been a great idea to send a link to thousands of people about Opaque's uber badass Halo 2 video. Well, that's not an issue at all as that's the exact reason videos are created.

What IS a problem is the amount of people that have leeched it. Normally leeching is to be expected on a site that has this type of content, but it's gotten way out of hand and is now costing me more money than I currently spend on the website monthly.

Henceforth, the video has gone offline and will stay that way until the leechers realize that sites like Rapdishare exist for just such a reason.

02/04/06 - MrWhitefolks

Yeah, so I've been bustin my ass on other projects as of late, but while doing those...I've had time for a little animated gif making. As per norm they're located in the Gallery and here's a small list of "whats been fucking updated?" for you to sort out.

Street Fighter: The Movie: The Arcade and Tattoo Assasins(found in Games~Etc)

Groove on Fight, Elevator Action Returns, Wonder Momo, Arch Rivals, Sailor Moon, Wardner, and Fallen Angels(found in Games~Sprite Based)

David Bowie and Obi Wan animations(found in Live-Action~Etc)

Keep an eye out as I will be doing Silent Hill 2 animations in the near future, and it will be grand.

Groove on Fight Returns
12/10/05 - MrWhitefolks

Due to requests(both from the forum, and from the fine folks at Insert Credit, the Groove on Fight video has been reuploaded to the videos section.

Sniper_1263's Colossus #3 Tutorial
11/26/05 - MrWhitefolks

Finally something worthwhile comes out of gamefaq's message boards...and this time it's in the form of a technique/glitch/exploit that allows the player to physically leap up ontop of the third Colossi's head in under 30 seconds.

The video is located in the usual spot and anyone who enjoys Shadow of the Colossus needs to watch this tutorial, ESPECIALLY if you're into the whole 'time attack' thing.

How about a new video?
11/21/05 - MrWhitefolks

Kakuto Chojin, the unofficial "sequel" to the Tobal series for the Xbox gets it's own combo video.


Because it's one of the most underhyped, gorgeous, DEEP fighters left on the market, and everybody passed it over for DoA because it didn't have soft anime graphics and 5lbs of fanservice(either that or because it was "too hard").

So, for the sole few who still own this game this is the video you're gonna need. Advanced 'chojin' moveset combos, some so difficult I only got them on capture ONCE.

Keep an eye out as I'll be releasing an FAQ which breaks every single combo down move by move, along with descriptions on what to look for/practice.

So you want to make animated gifs?
10/23/05 - MrWhitefolks

Ok, here's the deal. I've whipped up a fairly extensive "how to" guide for making animated gifs.

-Includes a full "how to" using Virtual Dub(with pictures) via step by step instructions-

-Includes a full "how to" using Gif Movie Gear(with pictures) via step by step instructions-

-Includes a lesson on optimization, with examples given and explanations-

-Includes a lesson in dithering, with examples given and explanations-

This should get most of you on your way to working with animated gifs, and if you have any inquiries or trouble, feel free to contact me(my contact information is available in the forums).

Winter cleaning, bitches
10/21/05 - MrWhitefolks

Ok, here's the deal. The old videos that have been online have been on for AWHILE. So...I'm gonna take em offline for a bit while I work on new content(this will also free up some space for me on the server).

Don't worry about "what new content?", just know that we got some new shit coming.

The new rant
10/19/05 - MrWhitefolks

The new rant took a bit longer than originally thought, as an unbridled rage from 7 months of dealing with idiots came to fruition every time I touched the keyboard.

Go read it.

Gallery Updated
10/08/05 - MrWhitefolks

11 new animations in the Leisure Suit Larry gallery.
2 new animations in the Rumble Roses gallery.
7 new animations in the Games/Etc gallery.

Expect some Indigo Prophecy/Farenheight animations in the near future as well, but be sure to keep an eye out for updates here as I'm currently working on some Genesis sprite animations.

Fable:TLC quickie
10/05/05 - MrWhitefolks

Site's been sorta dead, so I whipped up another 'stupidity' vid that shows how the creators of Fable were heavily influenced by the bible(and by that I mean not at all).

Grab it in the usual section.

On a secondary note, I will be doing an article/rant in the next couple of days regarding game difficulty/length...and how when you build a game that is almost 100% story dependant, it's a good idea for that story NOT to suck ass during the climax of the game.

The animated gif gallery is now online
09/21/05 - MrWhitefolks

Alright bitches, we've finally got the gallery up over there in the navigation bar thing on the left. This has every single animation that you may have seen on our forums, or any other forum where I've decided to share my collected works. Feel free to view, save, and use these at your discretion.

The only thing I ask is that you guys at least fucking sign up on the forums and give me a hollar, or a request for somethin new. This way I can continue to make more animations and I get to see your feedback.

Animated Gifs and You
09/13/05 - MrWhitefolks

Ok, I know that a SHITLOAD of users that come to this site peruse our forums for the sole purpose of snagging some of the most god damn badass animated gifs ever. We've got users commin in from 4chan, ytmnd, and all kinds of gaming related message boards...not to mention a ton of users overseas(Japan LOVES us).

Well, I can personally guarentee that by the end of the week we'll have our full on animated gif gallery up and running. Containing ALL of my prior animations, a basic update, and a literal FUCKTON of Silent Hill 3 related animations will be up. All in an easy to browse format that even a dumbass from gamefaqs could use.

Stay tuned.

Internet nerds for the win
08/14/05 - MrWhitefolks

Thanks to the thousands of internet nerds who hate me, my "instant classic" ytmnd page aptly named Predobear has gotten not only on the main page, but it now has the SECOND highest page views of all time.

So I salute you, Mr.Internet Dork. Your need to criticize via the anonymity of the internet has only made my page even more popular. Good job.

Oh, and on the off chance that my page is overcome by another more hillarious entry, I give you this as proof of where the site was listed as of 8/14/05.

Postal2: The last video
08/08/05 - MrWhitefolks

Ok bitches, the final episode of my Guide to Postal 2 stupidity series is finished and ready to rock. You know where to grab it, so get to watchin hoes.

The Return
08/02/05 - MrWhitefolks

You asked, you complained, you begged, and now you got it. The Rumble Roses high res video is now back online...however it's not hosted on our page, as I've opted to put the video HERE on the rock solid site FileFront.

Feel free to bog down their server with downloads, and be sure to vote so it gets enough attention that everybody else can see it as well.

Oh shit, part 2 is out
07/30/05 - MrWhitefolks

Yep, finished part 2 already. This time I get my ass inside the library, even tho there's no loading zone and it's not even open to the public.

Fear it.

New quickie vid, part 3?
07/30/05 - MrWhitefolks

Yeah, so I totally skipped issue 2 of the MrWhitefolks' Guide to Postal 2 Stupidity and went straight to issue 3.

Why? Because I'm a crazy bastard, that's why. Grab it at the usual spot.

New quickie vid.
07/29/05 - MrWhitefolks

Greetings bitches(or if you're spanish..."HOLA BITCHOLAS") during this mid summer Friday I'm here to bring you our newest quickie vid.

This time it's Postal2, and it's a video of my scaling the unscalable(for no reason other than I wanted to) mountain that stops you from getting past the barricades. Goofy shit, it's a minute long, so go peep it real quick.

Rockstar = Morons.
07/21/05 - MrWhitefolks

As many of you are aware, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas has been pulled from damn near all retail shelves and is getting redressed with a nifty little ADULT-ONLY rating.


Because Rockstar, being lazy bastards...decided to try and hide an integral part of their game that had a sex scene from gamers. Well because of their arrogance they failed to realize that fans of the game have access to computers, and those computers can be used for MODDING SOFTWARE.

Pssst...hey....Rockstar? Here's a little hint; Counter-Strike is a MODIFICATION of Half Life done by FANS.

Yeah, so now everyone is going "this isn't fair to Rockstar, blah blah blah" and trying to defend them. There's even talks about morons starting up some petition against politicians from pressuring game developers and yadda yadda yadda.

Fuck 'em.

That's what you get for not only LEAVING CODE THAT COULD GET YOU IN DEEP SHIT in your game, but then overlooking the fact that the mod community based around GTA is fucking GIGANTIC. I mean christ man, if someone can integrate FULLY WORKING multiplayer in your "1 player" game, how the fuck did you think they wouldn't be able to unlock a simple fucking minigame?

God damn idiots got what they deserved, and I honestly hope that this shows developers that you HAVE to take the fanbases seriously(Tecmo sure does after NinjaHacker modded the FUCK out of their character models in DOA3/Ultimate/and XBV).

Agree? Disagree? Think I'm an ass? Discuss the topic here.

Info, a video, and more random crap.
07/06/05 - MrWhitefolks

1)As I said a few weeks back, the Rumble Roses artbook has now been taken offline to make room for more stuff. Hope you guys enjoyed it, cause that shit took us a hell of alot of work to bring it to you.

2)New video up. This time it's Ranma 1/2 Part 3 for the Super Famicom. Dizzy combos, 100% combos, and all kinds of shit done to Morris Day and the (motherfuckin) Time's "Jungle Love". Go snag it in the usual area.

3)We finally stopped retards from hotlinking our shit. So hopefully this will keep our bandwith usage in check(yeah, you fucks know who you are) so I don't have to keep paying extra every month.

George A Romero's Land of the Suck
06/30/05 - MrWhitefolks

You know what? Fuck this movie. Worst zombie flick I've seen in a LOOONNNGGG time(and I just watched Day of the Dead about a week ago, which is another stinking pile of hot anus provided by the above "director").

How in the blue shit are we supposed to give a fuck about the main characters when there's no sense of danger or urgency regarding their situation?

Oh that's right, we can't. We just watch them go about their supposed "mission" while nothing happens and everything works out. Zombies kill the rich people, main character gets to go to Canada with his new girlfriend, and the audience gets slapped in the face by a crusty old hack with no ability to make a decent flick.

Reinventing the genre my ass. Zombie masterpiece my hairy ass. This was another movie where a group of people you don't care about do nothing for a good hour plus, then we watch zombies eat white people in a mall. HIGH FIVE EVERYBODY!

I honestly have no clue how you fucking Romero fanboys can consider this shit even remotely entertaining...but it won't matter because you're all so fucking stuck in "fan-mode"(you know, that one mindset that let's people think that Star Wars is a intriguing drama with tons of character depth) to watch any of his films objectively. You probably just sit there biting at the chomp so engrossed in a movie you "love" that you can't take a step back and try to see if it's an actual good movie.

Seriously, fuck this movie, and fuck it's fanbase. Nothing more than a group of morons that follow around the Joel Schumacher of zombie films by his god damn jock.

PS: His Resident Evil script was actually WORSE than this, so quit acting as if it's the greatest script never to be made into a film.

The space runs low
06/21/05 - MrWhitefolks

Ok ladies, here's the deal. Runnin low on actual storage space for the website. So that means that if you're gonna grab the Rumble Roses artbook stuff, you have till the end of the month to do so before I take it offline.

Yes, that means you have 9 days to get your fill and collect all the pics in that gallery. After that they go offline and we start hosting new videos. So if you want to steal those high res images, get to it.

New video
06/14/05 - MrWhitefolks

Now this isn't a MrWhitefolks video, but it IS one I'm hosting done by one of the homies.

Furix offers up his basic Guilty Gear XX #R whatever the fuck it's called combo video. It's his first vid, so feel free to leave him comments and critcisms on our message board.

Holy Christ another update? Wtf?
06/13/05 - MrWhitefolks

Yeah, amazing ain't it? This time around I tossed up a review of Sony Picture's newly released "schoolgirl spies vs terrorists with a splash of lesbian overtones" comedy D.E.B.S.

The only way to find out whether or not it gets the approval is to go read the review, dipshit.

We gun hook you up man
06/10/05 - MrWhitefolks

Ok, videos have been uploaded. We got the GTA3 epic, the Xbox Holiday video, some Kof Maximum Impact, the rerelease of the Eternal Champions(Sega CD) combo video, and something so badass that it'll be linked in the next paragraph.


The spring, and it's cleaning
06/09/05 - MrWhitefolks

Whassup bitches? Yes, it's been over a month since I've done an update. Yes I've been busy, but now is the time where we start swapping out videos for your enjoyment.

So, what do we take down? The Doom3 videos. Haven't been contacted by the guy that was making them since his last update, so I'll swap those out with some of our older classic combo vids. Eternal Champions, KoF:Maximum Impact, GTA3, and maybe something else. Keep an eye open on the videos section in the next couple of days.

Yes, the Rumble Roses videos are still being downloaded like crazy. Over the last 2 months we've broken a good 600gigs worth of dl's on these.

Am I proud? Shit yeah.

This video has generated more publicity than the GTA3 video I did, and that shit was fucking epic in terms of what it did for our site.

:NOTE: I will be taking off the high res version of our Rumble Roses video offline shortly to conserve space/bandwith(it's been up since early April, if you don't have it by now...go ask around for it).

Dumbest employee of the month award
04/30/05 - MrWhitefolks

Ok, this one HAS to go to some molester mustache having hispanic dumbass at the Lakewood Hollywood Video up here in Washington. This is an exact blow by blow of my conversation with him while trying to purchase the Resident Evil remake for the GCN.

Dipshit: So, you wanna pick that up?
Me: Yep, but I'll need to see the cd's to make sure they're not scratched.
Dipshit: Ok.

*hands me game case*

Me: Whoa, these look like someone skateboarded on them.
Terry: Holy shit, those look like ass yo.
Me: Yeah, do you guys have a buffing machine like the shop on 38th by the mall?
Dipshit: Sure we do, it's $1.99 per disc.
Me: So...I gotta pay 2 bucks to buff out a game BEFORE I buy it?

*Manager Shows Up*

Dipshit: Uh...
Me: Ok, since you have more than one copy of the game on the shelf, do you have more discs? Maybe one that isn't all messed up?
Manager: Yeah, lemme go grab you a few.
Me: Cool.

Myself and the manager have a conversation about retarded kids owning GCN games and treating them like shit, while I look for a suitable set of discs.

Me: Hell yeah, this is like silk. I'll take these.

Ok, now while that in and of itself was entertaining as hell, the dipshit then has problems spelling my name in the computer(using my drivers license for a reference, mind you), has to get help from both myself and the manager regarding the information(remember, this kid is a complete moron), and even AFTER he gets all that finished, he still fucks up and charges me for the normal ammount(I have one of those "mvp" cards that guarentee a lower used game price, and other random bullshit). This is when the manager comes up and calls him a moron, as apparently he's done this exact same thing multiple times TODAY.

Man, this is why nobody likes dealing with these kids at gamestores. They're fucking dumbass teenagers that don't know dick about dick(especially videogames), but somehow they got a job at a gamestore. Their opinions are worthless, their work ethic is retarded, and they have no idea about buisness, how to deal with people, or the games they sell. It's times like this when I wish it was legal to just hit people in the face for being stupid.

She is the one, Sailor Moon
04/26/05 - MrWhitefolks

I've been getting a good chunk of requests/emails/instant messages about that video. Not because it's Sailor Moon, not even because it's a funny video...but because they want to know HOW I pulled off the stuff I did with Sailor Uranus(the blonde doing the infinite/dash exploit), and how I made her work that shit. So what I did(being the badass that I am), is put up a complete and thourough explanation as how she breaks the game, why it works, and how to use it(plus other notes of interest pertaining to that title).

You can read it HERE.

And the Doom don't stop
04/24/05 - MrWhitefolks

Ok, Shido is a fucking workhorse. This dude has been busting ass on DOOM3 for you guys and I really hope you appreciate it. Shit is just amazingly badass.

So you know what that means, two new vids are up in our VIDEOS section. This time it's Alpha Labs1 and Alpha Labs2. Go watch em and be amazed.

2 new ones for ya, hoes
04/21/05 - MrWhitefolks

Today we got a quickie and a speed run. The speed run is for the first area of Doom3 and was put together by Shido from the PlanetDoom forums. It's some pretty sweet shit as he just hauls balls down hallways and whatnot. Go check it out in the videos section.

The second vid is a quickie minute and a half combo vid I did on a dare for...get this: Super Sailor Moon S for the old Super Famicom. Everything in this video(just like all the others) is fully possible in game, and is legit.

However, the game is so gay that I decided(after another dare; this time from Mayonaize) to cut the entire video to the theme from Punky Brewster. It's in the videos section just like everything else.

RR vid bandwith update
04/18/05 - MrWhitefolks

Well I knew this shit would be popular, but god damn yo...this thing has easily BREACHED the 200gig download mark and it's only been a week!

JESUS CHRIST you guys like hot anime chicks groping on each other don't you? Well...that and it's a badass fucking video, regardless of the source material.

04/11/05 - MrWhitefolks

Goodly god damn you guys sure like that RR vid, don't ya? Yesterday was the HIGHEST GROSSING day for downloads ever on this site, along with the HIGHEST GROSSING day for actual page visits(we almost broke 500 people in one day for this small ass site). That shit is redonkulously badass.

Alrighty then, so next up we'll have Mayonaize's review of Resident Evil 4(aka Capcom's Babysit Cindy Vortex from Jimmy Neutron)...and there's a new vid coming down the road that you guys need to keep an eye out for.

A hint?
It's bigger than a breadbasket?

The Roses...that Rumble
04/09/05 - MrWhitefolks

UPDATE: The videos had cropping issues with the first release of these videos. If you downloaded them prior too, you would have noticed the large black bars that appeared on the left side of the video.

Thanks to Takashi from the Codebreakers IRC channel, I have now noticed these glaring flaws and fixed them in this new release. Feel free to download the now "perfect" versions of our Rumble Roses videos. We appologize for any inconvienence this may have cause.

"OMG!!1+shift! Where did MrWhitefolks' RR preview vid go?"

Right out the motherfucking window and into the garbage can...because the super sexy, violence filled, awesomely music synched full version has finally graced the halls of Pimp-Productions' other legendary videos.

Now what I'm bringing to you is a choice. One one side of the fence we have the uber HIGH RESOLUTION 720x480 version that clocks in at a little under 100megs(quality over quantity baby)... but for those of you who are impatient little shits(or stuck on an asstastic internet connection), we offer the 30meg LOW RES 320x240 version of the SAME god damn video.

Both files are in quicktime format so there shouldn't be a huge problem with some of you retards not being able to get such and such codec to work. Hey, you might be morons, but at least I gave enough of a shit about you to hook it up(which is why you bitches love me).

As per norm both files are located in the VIDEOS section. Go download the one you want, and have fun watching another video that a game company should have used for their professional trailer(the KOF:MI vid is another perfect example).

Note: Don't be fucking idiots and try to stream a 97meg file, it'll suck up your comps' resources and run up my bandwith. Right click and SAVE AS.

Oh it hurts!
04/05/05 - Rhyant

Today we've got a new video. This time its from Noir Wings (aka, Opaque), and its got some kick ass Halo 2 footage. Its goot stuff, so make sure to check it out. Expect more videos from him and maybe even myself in the future. Thats it for now. Check back soon.

Fuck the Easter Bunny, it's time for a RANT
03/27/05 - MrWhitefolks

I know, I know. Between the comic I'm working on, pimping for ATARI(god dammit, everyone needs to play Act of War. It's the shizzle), preparing new videos, playing Lineage2, and laughing at Retard...I haven't had much time for anything.

Well, today is the day where all you rat bastards finally get another chance to read one of my classic rants. This one has quicktime videoclips and rational thought watch out(I also make fun of old people and psycho right wing christians).

So you wanna play Baek in Tekken5?
03/18/05 - MrWhitefolks

Well, since I've dropped these on TZ, TNL, AND HERV I figured that I'd put them up here for any Tekken 5 Baek Do San players that happen to strole on by.

It's a fairly big list of advanced juggles, high damage juggles, and flashy juggles that are both listed in numerical text format AND video format(much love for the homies). Feel free to download them and test 'em out at the local arcade or on your home version, they work on both.

Bread and Butter combo

Bread and Butter variation 1

Bread and Butter variation 2

Lightning Halberd~Flamingo practice combo

standing 4 combo, moderate difficulty

(f,f,n,3),uf,n,1(short hopping horizontal punch),df+1,3+4(f),n,3+4(f),f+1+2,4
F,F,n,3 combo, moderate difficulty

(f,f,n,3),b+4, 1, 3+4(f),n,3+4(f),f+1+2,4
F,F,n,3 combo, extreme difficulty

(f,n,d,df+3),uf,n,4(short hopping snap kick), df+1, 3+4(f),(1,2,f+3),f+1+2,4
Skyrocket Launcher combo, moderate difficulty

(f,n,d,df+3),uf,n,4(short hopping snap kick), 3+4(f),(1,2,f+3),n,3+4(f),f+1+2,4
Skyrocket Launcher combo, extreme difficulty


The "Baek Step"
This is performed by executing df+3+4, holding 3, and tapping forward to cancel into flamingo. Once in flamingo, press df+4(thus executing another df+3+4 thanks to the earlier buffer of 3 mentioned above), then tap forward to cancel into flamingo. This is used as a way to cover ground quickly and as a mixup starter(from the flamingo you can do df+2/sidestep/or get his f+2,3 command throw).
The "step" in motion

The "Baek Wave"
This is accomplished just like the Mishima wave dash and is used for the same reasons. To execute it, do the crouch dash motion(f,n,d,df) and after ducking down tap forward to cancel, then repeat. In long hand it looks like this: f,n,d,df~f~f,n,d,df~f~f,n,d,df,etc etc

The technique is used just as with the Baek Step, only with the Wave Dash you can automatically duck under any "high" attacks and auto low parry any "low" attacks if done fast enough(at that speed it is called the "Light Step")
Here it is

Double/Tripple Side Stepping Explaind, with a side of combo
Double and Tripple Sidestepping with Baek is common amongst high level play as it gets the player DIRECTLY to the side(and sometimes BEHIND) the opponent allowing for free sidethrow attempts, or df+2 launchers.

To perform the maneuver you HAVE to sidestep to the opponents left, go into flamingo stance via b+3(double), then sidestep to the left again(tripple). It needs to be done in a fluid motion for maximum effectiveness, so practice is required.

After you've sidestepped and landed your df+2 launcher, you need a combo right? Well, here's a 40%+ guarenteed combo that works off the double/tripple sidestep with Baek.
Tripple Side Step Combo

What to do off of a Counter-Hit df+3
Any Baek player has landed this move, but how do you get maximum damage while the opponent is stunned? Just mimic this video clip and you're good to go(hope you've been practicing the LH~F~LH technique).
Free damage

The legend is almost full circle.
03/10/05 - MrWhitefolks

Now while it's known locally that I create tons of animated gifs based off of anything I can get my god damn hands on...apparently the "interweb" is starting to catch onto what I do as well(ie...I'm seeing more and more of what I make posted on 4chan).

So, starting right NOW I'm going to put out the invite to A N Y O N E that wants to take a peak at all the animations I've done these last few months. They're located in the ENTERTAINMENT section of our message boards, as is a full tutorial on how to take other forms of media and convert them(like a pimp) into animated gif format.

Back to the beginning, again.
03/10/05 - MrWhitefolks

Alrighty, so you're wonderin what happened? Well, it doesn't matter. You're used to it by now. The good news is that the FORUMS are back up...and NO, you don't need to reregister. We saved that shit.

The ARCADE is also back up, and we're hosting IceClimber for you to goof around on while you wait for the rest of the site to be fixed up later tonight(the videos baby, it's all about the videos).

How to take over urban areas with nothing but snipers 101
03/09/05 - MrWhitefolks

I have to say that all you fuckers need to go jump on the Act of War demo over at Atari's site and give that badass piece of software a test run.

Pure military pwnage.

So yeah, you like RTS games? You like the thought of mass destruction at your fingertips? Want your troops to hold up in a building and shoot foreigners in their vitals at the click of a button?

Nothin says lovin like shooting up the captial.

This is some solid, full 3d(with rotatable/zoomable cameras), open ended "present day" style RTS goodness right here. The demo runs around 600mb, but it's not like you haven't spent time waiting for porn to download, so you might as well try this out. It's good stuff.

Fear the sniper zerg bitches.

Well, shit.
01/23/05 - Rhydant

Our hosting took a dump and everything was lost.

So the forum will be down for awhile, and various things wont be up until we can get everything sorted out. Stay tuned.

All content, designs, graphics © 2001-2003
Founded and created by Edward Veira, Austin Castillo, and Jacob Childs