Start of miller deucer....



Ok, here's the deal. Like always, I'm ranting bout whatever and alot 'o' shit has come up this week(well...enuf to do a rant).

Aiight...*checks list*...what we got here...


Why is it that the bitches that talk shit are either...

A)on the other side of the world
B)know your out of the game(s) they continue to talk shit about

Anybody? Anybody at all? C'mon, someone in here has to know why the scrub bitches always decide to finally step up and talk shit to get you to play AFTER you've been out of the game for OVER 6 months.

Case in point: Some asshat by the nickname "rex" out in the middle of bumfuck USA has decided to call me out. But, it's not like he didn't know I haven't played for 6 months(this is MvC2 we're talkin bout here). No...he KNEW(he talks to a nigga I keep in constant touch with). But then waits until after I've fully announced many times that I've lost interest in the game and am currently working on other games and thinks it might be a good idea to build his ego around his homies by calling me out.

Now, mind you....6 months ago I would have owned him for free. Hell, 3 months ago I *briefly* got back into MvC2(for like 2 weeks), and after the end of those 2 weeks I still could have owned him. Seriously.

But no.....this little camel nutsack has to wait, and then call me out. Of COURSE you wouldn't want to call me out when I was whippin ass all over. There'd be no point. Hell, it'd be easy for me to beat you down and hit the taunt button all the time. But for some reason, you not only decided to call me out, talk shit about me, AND act like an arrogant little fuck from the middle of knowhere....

You diss the vids.


Nigga, are you fucking corn? Where's all of your badass videos/combos/innovations on games that worthy the comment that " fucking sucks"? Where's your claim to fame besides winning little pity fuck shit mall tournies? And most of all, why do you think that anybody that earned the rep that we have(c'mon now, this site is listed on jap websites for the math ya useless douchebag), would give 2 shits about you? Hell...the only reason I'm even bringing this up is because it happened in time to put in the rant.

Straight punk ass....




Yo, if you wanna step up, I got a proposition for your mall monkey ass. Do up a combo vid. Any game. And I'll match you. From Shaq-Fu to fucking Kirby's Adventure, I don't gives 2 shits. You do a vid and I'll match with a vid of my own from a game of my choosing. Let's see how badass you are. Hell, I'll even host the fucker on this "weak ass" site.


Aiight, now that I got my bitch up there in check, let's get on with it. SEXIEST AZN(fuckin FoB terms are rubbing off on me) chick rolls into the shop today. Check this one out....imagine with a nigga and you'll understand why.

perfect little build
18-21yrs old
pouty lips
pig tails
wearin a beanie

Shit was tight as a mufucka. Like a cross between some pop star and Hsu Qi(if you know who this is, mad props). Bitch was off the fuckin hook. Woulda rocked that shit for dayzzzzz.

Oh, SPEAKING of AZN peeps. Why you korean kids the most retarded niggas ever? Yeah, you. The ones that come in pc lan places and sit down, then try to move once the pc freezes(due to you loading aol,yahoo,icq, and msn message progies on it so you can talk to your candy dippin raver homies, then playing CS or Diablo2 at the same time) to a new pc? Yo, take 3 seconds, open your slits and fuckin hit the reset button god dammit. Shit like that makes my job helluva hard and pisses off the people that work at any pc lan place.

And no, I don't give a fuck what you do at the "korean" ones.

Oh, quit trying to be so fucking cheap at a videogame store for christs sake. When you want 5 bucks off of a game that we only make a 1 dollar profit on, get the fuck out. Serious. You want deals on shit?


We already have the lowest fucking prices in town(5 -10 bucks lower than Gamestop,EB,Funco,Toys 'r' Us, and all the other indy stores) and it isn't gonna kill you to use like 1/16th of your weekly 300+ dollar allowance to fucking buy a game at a reasonable god damn price. Spend less time on the fucking rice burner shit cars that sound like lawnmowers, and .... no .... you know what? Fuck it. Spend MORE time on those p.o.s lawnmower Hondas. That way you'll be in my store less.

-Any love for the corperate game stores? Oh, HELLS the-fuck NO.-

Oh, guess what? FUCK mainstream game shops. Yeah, fuck EB, fuck GameStop, fuck Funco, fuck Software Etc(cept for the peeps at the Tac mall shop['specially Marcy, she's a fox], they be coo'), fuck Toys R Us, and fuck Comp Usa.


Those bitch asses are the main reasons for me getting calls like this.

[Me] Hi. *name of store I work for* can I help you?

[Them] Yeah, got a question for ya.

[Me] Ok, shoot.

[Them] How come I can't play ** games on my Xbox?

(....ok, to clarify....replace ** with either Dreamcast,PS2,PS1,or PC...)

[Me] Uh, basically because it only plays Xbox games.

[Them] That's not what *** said...they said it plays everything.

(...once again, fill in the *** with any of the stores mentioned above...)

[Me] What? Ok, they're officially retarded. You can only play Xbox games on the system, and maybe dvds if you find a remote...

[Them] YEAH! That's another thing! How come I can't play dvds?

[Me] Well, because to do that you need a "remote dvd controller bullshit kit" and that is harder to find than the system itself right now.

[Them] Really?

[Me] Yep. 1 in 25 customers that come in here actually FOUND one of those things.

[Them] Fuck that.

[Me] Pretty much.

[Them] Hey, how much in trade will you give me for DoA3 and NFL Fever?

[Me] ....................

Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes because some Xbox happy white boy somewhere told a newbie gamer that the system he has a hard on for will do everything, just to get the newbie's money to goto his favorite company(cough...Microsoft...cough) so they can make more shitty mistakes in system wars like LYING TO THE PUBLIC.

-Part Numero 2, will be comming soon-


Part II
All content, designs, graphics © 2001-2003
Founded and created by Edward Veira, Austin Castillo, and Jacob Childs